Cannes Lions



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Isn’t it annoying to be with someone at a bar table that is only playing with the cell? Salve Jorge, in São Paulo, has solved this problem. The "home of good food and cold beer", elected by many guidebooks as the best happy hour in town, launched the Offline Glass, a glass that only stands up straight if supported by the cell phone. The Offline Glass rescues people from the online world and brings them back to the table of the bar and to the eye to eye talk. It is an invitation for people to turn off the online world, have a chat with friends and live the reality that is around them at least for a few hours. This campaign used PR instruments, basically media relations and digital PR, to reach the target. The efforts brought great results, making Salve Jorge Bar much more desirable, well known and internationally admired as a brand effectively connected to consumers, in this age of conversation. It replicated in several countries besides Brazil, like Japan, China, Germany and India, among many others.


The first step was to find a manufacturer with know-how and appropriate equipment to produce the glass with a special cut at the base. After some attempts, we finally found a supplier to produce the Offline Glass especially and exclusively for the Salve Jorge Bar.

The next step: to communicate the audience through a PR campaign (earned media).


This low cost action reached millions of people not just in São Paulo/Brazil, but also in several other countries like Russia, United States, China, Japan, India, France, Germany, among many others. It had an enormous repercussion in the media of all this markets, presenting Salve Jorge Bar Offline Glass as a simple, clever and welcomed initiative.

The Offline Glass became a product of Salve Jorge Bar (trademark) and generated news in more than 100 vehicles all over the world (including newspapers, magazines, web, radio and TV programs), with more than 500.000 views on the internet and reaching other 453.381.195 residences only in Brazil (considering the audiences of all the TV programs that aired the case).

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