Cannes Lions


SHACKLETON, Madrid / EL MUNDO / 2010

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Speaking to the Web in a language it understands. PR 2.0.Communication is changing at a frantic pace and it’s even more evident when it comes to PR. The launch of El Mundo in Orbyt (The World in Orbyt) is an outstanding example of PR 2.0 where we managed to generate a current of positive opinions against the grain of resistance to the issue of “paid content on the Internet” In order to do this we hired the talent of Pedro J Ramírez, and equipped him with a set of PR 2.0 digital tools that simply hadn´t been around before then.


1.- Indentify TOP BLOGGERS based on influence ratio, traffic generation, importance and participation in the debate about paid communication media.2 . Arrange that Pedro J. would speak to the bloggers.

2.1.- Create “a guide to Engagement and Action” for Pedro J. and the rest of the team based on the message defining tone, style and contentious questions and answers.2.2.- Action plan:a) INVITATION by Pedro J.

b) PRESENTATION TO BLOGGERS were Pedro J. explained the Orbyt project and addressed bloggers, clarifying doubts and replying to even critical questions.c) MONITORING ACTION. Thank guests with free platform access code for 1 month and monitor to keep the “conversation” flowing.3.- MEASURE, MONITOR and REACT IN REAL TIME with the BUZZ ANALITYCS tool. Reactions We monitored the reactions generated in Twitter during the presentation, the subsequent reactions, including comments, counter-comments in order to intervene in conversations generated.


- Practically all (94%) of the top bloggers contacted replied to the invitation to the physical presentation.

- The majority (79%) attended - Most of them (67%) posted a comment on the event - More than 1.400 tweets were twittered about Orbyt the day of the event- We managed to get Orbyt among the top five mentions on Twitter in Spain that day- And best of all: We achieved our objective: that the majority of the opinions on the web were positive.

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