Cannes Lions


FRAMFAB, Stockholm / BRIS / 2001

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Assignment: To create BRIS' presence online and find services to support their existing processes. Target group: 1: Children between 12-18 2: Press, politicians and school-administration 3: Donators, private and small companies. Solution: 1: To create a community for the children where they can communicate directly with adults within BRIS' organization and get support. The community also has many valuable services such as a celebrity-chat, discussions online, games, movies and so on. The BRIS-mail is administrated by BRIS' personnel through an easy-to-use CM-tool. 2: A fully developed press-room with services such as news-mail subscription, press messages published through an easy-to-use CM-tool and an imagebank. This target-group also has the possibility to monitor the children's thoughts at the celebrity-chat without having the possibility to interfere themselves. 3: An e-shop where the donator can "buy" a particular activity, such as f e new telephone-lines. This shop is connected to a secure payment-system that supports credit-card and Internet-banking. Results can be delivered upon request sent to

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