Cannes Lions


GITAM BBDO, Tel Aviv / OPEL / 2013

Case Film
Case Film
Presentation Image






The Brief

When Opel wanted to launch a new model of Opel Corsa specially designed, equipped and accessorized for the young market, they asked us to come up with a proper name for it.

The Insight

We noticed that young people love their car almost as much as they love themselves.

They identify with it. And what name identifies you more than your own?

The Creative solution

This insight brought to the world the first car model that is named after its owner.

Yes, each and every owner!

The new model was launched in newspapers and on the web, and drew hundreds of thousands of users who wanted to see their name on the new Corsa.


The Creative solution: This insight brought to the world the first car model that is named after its owner.

Yes, each and every owner!

The new model was launched in newspapers and on the web and drew hundreds of thousands of users who wanted to see their name on the new Corsa.

And as we sold the very first car, we had its owner advertise his own car.


The Results:

The innovative idea, combining marketing with advertising, took all the attention of the conservative automotive market, and was covered in every car magazine and newspaper in the country. Within no time, the owner-named model became the most appealing feature of the new Corsa. Sales increased by 30%, and kept rising even after the campaign went off the air. Instead of just naming a new model, we created a new model.

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