Cannes Lions



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Case Film






OPENSP is an idea that brings an innovative solution to an issue relevant to many marketers today: how to close the gap between the conversation around the brand on social platforms and the actual consumption experience. Our solution was the seamless integration of service and content, achieved by bridging conventional media and mobile platforms.

Our real-time, geolocalized city guide generated thousands of highly qualified, on-premise, consumption experiences, had by both existing and new consumers.

What's more, we achieved all of our goals while giving our audience a perception of the brand as being even more innovative.


Heineken wants its audience to be open to the world, including the place where they live.

But we didn't want to just inspire people to be open to the world, we wanted to make it possible.

Simply providing content wasn't the answer: our audience already suffers from information overload.

We needed to free them from the overload. So our solution was to develop an entirely new way to deliver content at the time and place it matters most: while they’re on the street deciding what to do next.

During a 6-month period, ads posted on 300 street clocks scattered around the liveliest and most exciting neighborhoods in São Paulo invited consumers to grab their mobile phones and tweet #OpenSP.

Then, by using geolocation data, we immediately tweeted a response with information about the most exciting things happening in the music, culinary and nightlife scenes just steps away from them.


The initiative surpassed all its goals. We impacted over 10 million people an average of 4.3 times and generated 805,000 interactions on Twitter and Facebook, leading to hundreds of thousands of qualified consumption experiences.

On top of that, our innovative solution generated massive organic repercussion in the media, which generated a further 1 million impacts.

At the end of the initiative, Heineken reached its highest market share in São Paulo ever, growing an impressive 19.6% - noticeably higher than the performance in other key markets during the same period.

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