Cannes Lions



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Brazilian people form the Northeast and North are very proud of their own culture, which is admired and known all over the country. Great aspects of Brazilian culture originated from assets from the region, like the music, the food, the carnival and so much more.

Because of that, as a local brand with a foreigner background, you must find the right influencers to match the brands message with the local consumers.

The region is the land of humor and music and consequently a meme-generator. By selecting a group of local kids that had the support of famous Brazilian comedians, we knew we had a chance to really make a difference in how we communicate. But most of it, to give a chance to show the potential of the group of kids to a bigger audience, since by that time they had no big brand partnership yet.


We brought “Fundo of Quintal OFC” to be the stars of the campaign. A group composed by 9 boys from Maranhão (North of Brazil) who get together to record covers and parodies of music hits in their own style and a local flavor. They became an internet sensation in Brazil on Instagram and Youtube – with more than 3M followers, videos with millions of views and famous celebrities, singers and comedians as fans. And, most important, an influencer who had never had a relevant partnership with a brand to amplify their talent and uniqueness.

Following the same style of their original videos – simple, funny and crazy – we did a partnership to produce two memorable songs. They talk about how a bad day can be easier with Nissin Nosso Sabor – never missing their references and essence.


Since the challenge was to connect with the reality of the target without losing Nissin’s sense of humor, we needed to go deep in understanding the life of consumers and what they like to laugh about.

The first task was to analyze the type of humor consumed by these consumers (people from 25 to 35 years old who live in the regions), which influencers they follow and what kind of things they find funny and entertaining. We found some important assets: direct and cracked humor, real life situations and making fun of daily situations.

Another important piece of information we took in consideration for setting up the campaign was the North and Northeasters’ love for music. Local artists are the most popular ones, with high connection and identification with consumers. With all that in mind, we put our efforts in connecting the best influencers with the best lyrics.


The campaign was composed of two music videos starring “Fundo de Quintal OFC”, with two new songs. It was recorded in the city of the group, using a scenery and a choreography that were built together with the artists to integrate their style in the video.

It was aired on the brand’s digital channels and on the group channel. We also had spots in the radio and in “Sua Música”, a music streaming local platform as popular as Spotify in the North and Northeast of the country.


The music videos were a success among Nissin consumers and the fans of the group. People got really happy to see the boys from Fundo de Quintal OFC doing a partnership with a brand that valued their style and showed it to the world.

Together the videos had more than 20.8M views on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube, 22K shares and 958K engagements – an increase of 993% over the previous campaigns.

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