Cannes Lions

Own Business Girls

SERVICEPLAN, Munchen / METRO / 2018

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We used these facts to show the world that women are more than fit to run their own business. They’re born for it. The idea: Own Business Girls – the world’s youngest entrepreneurs. On International Women’s Day 2018 we equipped every female baby born in the hometown of METRO Cash & Carry with a very special business card. It’s worth 2.000€ invested in a fixed-term deposit. Enough start-up capital to go on a first business adventure once the girls turn 18.


We used the data-based problem and turned into a long-term relationship with future business owners. Introducing: Own Business Girls – The world’s youngest female entrepreneurs. In order to make this stunt happen, we worked together with strong partners like hospitals and birthing houses in Dusseldorf, the hometown of METRO Cash & Carry. On International Women’s Day 2018 we used targeted communication at different offline and online touch points to find all girls that were born in Dusseldorf that day to gift them their first very special business card.


The story was picked up rapidly by the media and the topic “female entrepreneurship” sparked a worldwide discussion. 11 Girls. 1000 Publications. 5 continents. 300 million Media Impressions and one message: Women are more than fit to run their own business. They’re born for it!

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2018, AMCV

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