Cannes Lions



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The PacMan character was a successful game that began in 1980 and became a veritable icon of its age. In 2014 the character was re-launched in Spain in the form of a cartoon series, a line of toys and a new video game.

The main objective was to generate a level of awareness of the character equivalent to that of the 80's, ensuring that PacMan continues to be an icon, one capable of transforming over time and familiar to many generations. Our goal was to extend awareness of the brand, both amongst the primary target group, who are not familiar with the character (children), and amongst the secondary target group (adults), parents who must be made aware that PacMan has returned in 2014.

Our strategy was based on the staging of different kinds of events over a period of 4 months, creating a great deal of noise surrounding the return of our character. We sought to organize events that parents and children could attend together creating an emotional bond with the character. In turn, these events would serve to strengthen our PR strategy, attracting coverage of PacMan's return in all kinds of media.

Thanks to these measures, we managed to make PacMan's return front-page news in the most widely read newspaper in Spain, different daily news programs and the two most widely-read online newspapers. 30 years on, Spain once again began talking about PacMan.


1. Art Exhibition: Artists and photographers presented their PacMan "interpretation". One photo featured an Olympic sports personality, ensuring us interest also from sportsmedia. (Madrid,27th February- 2nd March Madrid).

2. Open Day Madrid: An all-family event were playing the different videogames that PacMan has starred in over its history, from 80's to 2014, plus children's area with different activities for kids, PacMan toys zone, cinema showing the cartoon series, and arcade family competitions. (28th-30th March)

3. Open Day Barcelona: As Madrid, but targeting local media. (11th-13th April)

4. RetroMadrid14: The Classic Videogame Fair was PacMan themed. Passageways at the fair are set up in the form of the maze on PacMan original game. (25th and 26th April)

5. PacMan Square: One of the biggest cities in Spain will feature a commemorative sculpture of PacMan as a cultural icon. Culture/Politics and representatives from the Japanese Embassy will attend the opening. (4th September)


The results of this campaign can be grouped together under two main headings:

Communication results:

1. Quantitative results:

a. More than 37 million impacts achieved

b. A media valuation of €838,206 according to Kantar Media’s audit

c. A ROI of 1:19

2. Qualitative results:

a. The first video game character who has appeared on the front page of a Spanish national daily newspaper in its printed version

b. 13 times appearing on national TV news programs

c. Front page in the two most widely-read online newspapers in Spain

This increase in awareness has had a decisive impact on the following business results:

1. PacMan toy line has been the sales leader over the first two months of the launch

2. The TV series achieved an audience share of 27%

3. The videogame was in the top 10 for Nintendo DS sales over the first month of the launch

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2021, BANDAI

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