Cannes Lions

Pain is Everywhere

GREY ARGENTINA, Buenos Aires / PANADOL / 2024

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Digital Proof JPG






Panadol, renowned globally for its efficacy in alleviating headaches and joint pains, appeared to have focused its recent communications solely on these specific ailments, inadvertently diminishing awareness of its broader spectrum of effectiveness. Tasked with repositioning Panadol as a holistic remedy for various everyday pains, our aim was to fortify the association between Panadol and everyday wellness.

Our objective was twofold: first, to shed light on the commonplace yet often disregarded everyday discomforts experienced by many; and second, to remind our audience of Panadol's versatility in addressing a wide array of aches and pains beyond the usual headaches and joint issues.

Through this campaign, we sought to reignite appreciation for Panadol's ability to provide relief across multiple everyday scenarios, reinvigorating its image as a trusted companion for comprehensive wellness and revitalize the brand’s image as a holistic remedy for everyday aches and pains.


We see an empty kitchen at daybreak. It looks like someone was just finishing breakfast, there are plates in the sink, we see and hear the faucet running, and one of the cupboards is slightly open. As the camera moves in slowly it drifts lightly, as if searching for something. Classical music begins to play and a voice tells us about how Zeus gave birth to Athena by having his skull cracked open, and compares this epic pain to banging your head on a cupboard door. Then the Panadol logo apears, pointing right at that sharp corner of the door where someone has hit their head while doing the dishes.


The Panadol pain campaign has demonstrated a significant impact on multiple fronts.

The campaign has effectively reached its target audience, engaging them deeply with the message.

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