Cannes Lions

Panasonic Green Impact


Case Film






The world as we know it is changing due to the effects of climate change, and the consequences have already become personal for many people across our world.

Panasonic is on a mission to take responsibility for their climate impact, take steps towards a more sustainable future, and encourage others to join in on the charge. The GREEN IMPACT Campaign was created to ignite a sense of urgency by raising awareness to the increasing climate threat while simultaneously showing Panasonic's leadership in the collective charge.

The idea of the campaign was to showcase three renowned athletes and the sports they love. By dramatically transforming their environment within seconds, we aimed to demonstrate the real and potential effects of climate change — a visually impactful story to resonate with those who have yet to experience its potential effects. Because it’s the things we love that might be at risk.


Three renowned athletes, Naomi Osaka, Nathan Chen, and Michael Phelps individually practice their sport surrounded by unspoiled and captivating outdoor environments.

Within seconds, each environment begins to shift. The sky darkens. The grass court dries as the clay earth bakes. The frozen lake weakens and melts under Nathan’s skates while the snow-capped mountains thaw. A storm rages as Michael emerges from the pool; flash floods swallow the surrounding land. Naomi stands despaired within a torrid desert. Together the voices of the three athletes warn, “Everything we know. Everything we do. Everything we love. Might well be at risk. The time for action is now.” From there, we see scenes of our beautiful earth as we still know it. There’s hope. We see sustainable Panasonic batteries and solar panels. The desert heat fades behind Naomi, as each athlete appears confident and determined. Together we can be “…Champions for the Earth.”


In this campaign to bring awareness to the increasing threat of climate change and signal a collective call to action, Panasonic has been positioned as a global leader in this charge against climate change. The campaign was rolled out at the start of 2023 at a CES Press Conference and exhibition booth, on broadcast TV worldwide, online, and social platforms. Since the launch of this campaign, website Traffic is up from the average monthly views of 150k to averaging around 1M+. Overall, the online campaign alone had 45M+ impressions. Brand awareness his increased and brand perception has shifted to reflect Panasonic's dedication to a more sustainable future — especially with Gen Z. With this highly visual campaign, Panasonic states that this spot has been one of their most popular content pieces to date.

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