Cannes Lions



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Parents Club Switzerland provides support to parents. To raise awareness of the brand, the services and to sharpen the positioning of the formerly quite unrecognized organization, the Parents Club was aiming for media attention to get publicity.


While challenges between parents and teens are diverse, they all have one thing in common; a parent's worst fear is to lose connection to their kids. Most parents have experienced this with their children. Therefore those affected by really serious problems perceive barriers to call for help. Because conflicts are normal, requiring help is socially stigmatized.

Creative Challenge:

How can we make the public recognize, that it's legitimate and appropriate for parents to make use of professional help in certain situations and that Parents Club Switzerland is the address where support is available?


The most painful experience for parents is, when their kids want to get rid of them.


We established the Parentbox, a highly controversial media execution driving attention of countless commuters at one of Zurich’s main train stations. By creating massive media coverage we thereby created more than 30 millions of contacts through earned media.


With agenda-setting for media coverage through a big bang“ and a strategic storytelling, the drama paved the way for proactive PR work.


Guerilla posters, events and viral videos were reported from readers to their newspapers, and referring comments and photos were shared on social media. All of them were focusing on a main event at one of Zurich’s main train stations.

Massive press coverage provoked thousands of reader comments, teasing other media to research for deeper background. When approached at this point of time by the media relations of Parents Club Switzerland, the media was eager to report on the topic.

With interviews and detailed information provided by the Parents Club to the media they were able to raise the awareness for brand and its services massively.


Major Swiss newspapers, TV channels and Online media instantly reported on the highly controversial initiative and approached the Parents Club for further information on the topic.

Thousands of comments and photos were posted on social media. It was referred to in articles in newspapers off- and online. A multiplication of the reach by the factor of 12 per invested Swiss Franc resulted in more than 36 millions of contacts with the campaign. 28 times more consulting sessions compared with pre-campaign-phase.

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