Cannes Lions

Parents of Fertilty

WATCONSULT, Mumbai / MERCK / 2017

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Case Film
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We designed a fertility hub (website) called which included information about infertility, about IVF, myth busters and also included details on IVF clinics and this hub was then connected to a system wherein couples could book an appointment for counselling and could actually get in touch with an IVF clinic listed on the website. The website included an anonymous chat functionality to facilitate conversations from couples who were hesitant and not confident about discussing the taboo topic.


The first part of the campaign ("It's About Time") was directed at those who were stalling visiting a clinic and encouraged them to take action (building on the 'FOMO i.e. Fear of Missing Out' aspect that plagues most millenials). The second part ("Infertility Can be Dealt With") adopted a supportive approach to give hope to infertile couples. To reach the right audience, targetting filters like age, location, lifestage (married) and online behavior were used. This audience was driven to the website via SEM, Social Promotions, Native Ads and Remarketing. Social platform content helped build context & relevance. The website captured appointment bookings (via an LMS), and encouraged unrestricted dialogue (via call centre + chat functionality). Thus, Parents of Fertility became the link that connected infertile couples to fertility clinics. Farah Khan, an Indian celebrity was brought on board to help amplify the message. Campaign period - 6 months


The campaign resulted in a change of behaviour with people opening up about infertility problems. We received over 8000 inbound calls and 600 chat queries. We saw a 37% increase in appointment bookings across many IVF clinics. With over 4,81,61,000 impressions, we earned media worth 1 Million USD.

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