Cannes Lions



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Although many associate Parkinson’s with tremors, some patients do not present this symptom. This chronic disease affects the neurological system and reduces motor control and the control of physical movement. Our challenge was raise awareness for the symptoms that most people are unable to recognize, mainly rigidity. Parkinson’s patients feel like prisoners within their own bodies. Therefore, we've created the first LIVE EXHIBITION featuring living statues, in order to illustrate symptoms such as stiffness, speech difficulties, reduced reflexes and slowness of movement. The living statues were responsible for distributing tulips with an explanatory tag, inviting to learn more. On April 11th, World Parkinson's Disease Day, we released a video, reaching more than 40,000 views, on VivaBemcomParkinson’s fanpage. We also made a second exhibition and delivered 2,500 tulips, impacting over 10,000 people. In a very didactic manner, we've found a solution that could warn people, in a way never before addressed.


On April 1st, we had the first LIVE EXHIBITION featuring the living statues in Sao Paulo city downtown area, with 1,000 tulips distribution. On April 11th, World Parkinson's Disease Day, we released a video on Viva Bem com Parkinson Facebook fanpage - which exposed the first version of the activation. In addition, we've made a second Live Exhibition and delivered 2,500 paper tulips in Shopping Eldorado, one of Sao Paulo’s busiest shopping malls. On both occasions, the public response to the activation was remarkable. Out of curiosity, people started showing their interest in learning more about the disease and were pleased and surprised to interact with the living statues. The friendliness of the living statues and the beauty of the tulip - that people received as a special gift - were other highlights of activation. During the exhibition, promoters also distributed leaflets.


On April 11th, World Parkinson's Disease Day, we released a video, reaching more than 30,000 views, on Viva Bem com Parkinson Facebook fanpage - which exposed the first version of the activation in Sao Paulo city downtown area. On the same day, we made a second Live Exhibition and delivered 2,500 paper tulips, impacting over 10,000 people in one of Sao Paulo’s busiest shopping malls. People from different ages were impacted with a call to action to learn more on the website, helping to create awareness about the symptoms. Most of those impacted asked questions, approaching the promoters directly. The website had a significant traffic increase coming from mobile devices. In a very didactic manner, we found a solution to warn, generating identification. Most importantly, we've managed to move people in a way never before addressed. On Facebook, users started sharing the content, commenting on how much they had learned.

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