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Parting With Hero Product,KFC -Egg Tart Whirlwind- successfully Reveals Brand-New K-Desserts Cranberry Tarts


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KFC Taiwan planned to launch its premium dessert product line – K-Dessert- in May 2022, by introducing its very first “Cranberry Tart” within the K-Dessert line.

"Cranberry Tart" and egg tart may look alike, but they are completely different from the ingredients to its taste. How to differentiate this new tart from the original hero product “egg tart” and create attention and desire for this new product became the most important yet challenging communication goal of the PR agency.


The PR agency took head-on fight with existing social topic-“KFC is an “egg tart” specialty store, which just happens to sell fried chicken” which consumers can easily associate with then turn them become advocates to speak for the brand.

IDEA: Leveraged the attention to KFC’s hero product “egg tart” then put a twist into it - A note with deliberately designed message was sent to the media “KFC Taiwan officially announced that we will draw a clear line with egg tart. Moreover, we don’t sell egg tart this time.” Soon this message went viral. Social volume and talkability were driven by users then drew media’s attention.


Key message : Parting With Hero Product, KFC -Egg Tart Whirlwind- successfully Reveals Brand-New K-Desserts Cranberry Tarts.

The PR agency found that heavy internet consumption is one of the key attributes of TA profile for KFC Taiwan. They are highly engaged in social networking and the loyal customers are usually become early adopters to the brand’s new products. As a result, driving talkability amongst digital platforms is targeted as the main communication channel in the campaign launch. The campaign was carried out strategically in two phases:

Teaser phase: Create internet buzz and turn it into social sensation.

Launch phase: Turn internet volume into new product favorability.

KFC Taiwan has smoothly achieved various stages of voice through news operations, media reprints, netizens' palindrome, KoLs, and successfully using the social impact of "let consumers speak for the brand" brought out the effect of positive reviews and turned into business growth.


The campaign was carried out strategically in two phases:

Teaser phase:

Before new product launch, a note with a deliberately designed message was sent to the media with clues to direct attention to the KFC Taiwan Facebook page to find out more. Simultaneously, a post with the same message was put on KFC Taiwan Facebook page. KFC officially announced that they will draw a clear line with the egg tart, and that they won’t sell egg tarts this time.

Soon this post went viral since the message could easily create misinterpretations and assumptions that KFC may withdraw its hero product. Many influencers, KoLs, celebrities, bloggers, started reporting and participating this “egg tart sensation”.

Launch phase:

After the teaser became a sensation, PR agency leveraged media attention generated and directed it to the new product launch. The hint was already embedded in the original media note to create media interest.


Tier 1:

Teaser phase: Within a week, 350+ news coverage were organically generated,75+ media owned social media reposts, and created 30 million USD PR value during the teaser week.

Launch phase: After the teaser became a sensation, through the launch event, more than 200 media coverages were generated, with a total PR value of over 2.7 million USD.

Tier 2:

Social volume peaked to reach over 48,000 just within a day since the KFC Taiwan officially announced that they will parting with its hero product-egg tart, and that they won’t sell egg tarts this time was posted, this unprecedented daily social volume even became news material and cited by one of the Taiwan leading internet media outlets “Dailyview”, and according to the media note, the KFC Taiwan Facebook page posts were all quoted in hundreds of news reports.

Campaign Total Result:

Total of 550 news coverage were generated, reaching over 32.7 million USD PR Value. In fact, the social buzz and brand favorability of KFC brand discussion achieved a new high of the year.

Tier 3:

Total ROI surpassed 1,523 times than the past through this campaign.

With PR communication planning, KFC Taiwan has successfully achieved various stages of voice through news operations, media reprints, netizens' palindrome, KFC editor interaction, KOLs message interaction, and mystery revealing. Successfully using the social impact of "let consumers speak for the brand" brought out the effect of positive reviews and eventually turned the internet volume into business growth.

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