Cannes Lions



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Case Film
Presentation Image
Case Film
Case Film
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During the last 5 years our agency has changed its name 4 times before confirming its present name: PROXIMITY. These previous changes were one reason why clients and the sector in general were not exactly clear on neither our name nor our work. Because of this it was important to launch a campaign that would impact the sector by making each and every professional that has worked for the agency a participant and henceforth leaving the industry clear on who we are and we come from.


We decided to tell the story of our history through 11 of the finest professionals to have been part of Proximity.

We sent out 11 personalised packages, inside each, a “CAREER PATH WALLET”, a special tribute handmade by a master leather craftsman, bringing together all of the business cards that compose the professional life of each of these individuals. A personalised wallet that unfolds the stellar career journeys of promotions and agency changes by including, after an arduous process of investigation and redesign, the original business cards of each of these professionals.

However, the most important and newest business card was also included. We gave each person a special edition card created with fragments of the recycled business cards of everyone who has worked at our agency. This card affirms the new post of each of these 11 individuals, an honorary position that they will hold from now and forever at Proximity.

Additionally, each package included a USB with a personalised video that redirected their colleagues to This deserved tribute was packaged up in a recycled cardboard containing a crafted wooden base created especially to house each element of each package despatched.


Calls from prospective clients increased by 200% when compared with the same month from the previous year.

The campaign improved the image and increased awareness of the Proximity brand. It appeared in 90% of advertising industry publications in Spain generating 84,000€ in earned media.

We reached 204,000 people on Facebook and the video on Facebook was viewed 40,296 times.

The campaign video case received 60,381 visits.

64% of the professionals that have passed through Proximity created and downloaded their career path wallet from a site that received almost 5,000 visits.

Although not entirely objective, the image of the agency internally with Proximity employees went through the roof. The pride of belonging to Proximity led our people to uploading their career path wallet wherever they could. In our internal master survey, assessment of the brand improved 40% from the previous year.

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