Cannes Lions



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Over 3% of the world’s population are infected with hepatitis C, a virus which can remain undetected for years but ultimately causes liver damage, cancer and in some cases, death. Treatment for hepatitis C has been available for some time, but therapy was long, arduous and with a low success rate of only 40%.

With the launch of INCIVO, cure rates increased to 80% and treatment duration halved. Despite this, there was a lack of urgency around treatment – and belief that patients could afford to wait.

Janssen’s existing hepatitis C website was an educational tool, with high bounce rate, and low interaction time.

We needed to engage, encourage and empower patients to enable them to achieve a better treatment outcome.

After we gained a thorough understanding of the users' end needs and motivations, we developed a website built around the user experience. We ensured our content was relevant, engaging and credible, but most importantly, that it built an emotional connection with user.

The results? Bounce rate fell from 72% to just 8%, the lowest of any Janssen website. User interaction increased by 50%. Most importantly, 27% of users completed a campaign goal, demonstrating a commitment towards a better treatment outcome.


Pharma preconceptions, scientific influences and regulatory requirements often result in their campaigns alienating the patients they aspire to support. We worked with patient groups to ensure the creative was inspiring, appropriate and reflected their interests and tastes, whilst remaining suitable for their needs.

We utilised online tools relevant to patients and their digital routines, including blog-seeding, a YouTube channel, and a mobile app. Specifically, ‘Meet Mark’, an animated YouTube series, challenges the stigma of schizophrenia and highlights the benefits of continuous treatment. The electronic ‘Getting Better Book’, designed with Professor Turkington, helps patients set goals and record their progress. The Maintaining Adherence Programme, a suite of interventions developed in partnership with experts in mental health, delivers an innovative model of disease management.

All tools designed to raise awareness, build advocacy and empower patients to share experiences.


The impact of the Maintaining Adherence Programme was established during an 18 month clinical trial of 173 patients, demonstrating a 58% decrease in hospital referrals. We used our insight, creativity and communication expertise to improve patient outcomes, which in turn helped their family, friends and society.

The broader campaign reached over half a million users worldwide. ‘Meet Mark’ went viral, gaining over 175,000 views, with 11,000 patient and carer interactions in just four weeks. The social media campaign was the first in schizophrenia to be pharma-sponsored, and provided Janssen with an invaluable opportunity to engage with the needs of patients, whilst capturing market insight.

The campaign was adopted globally with 23 translations, benefiting patients from across the world.

It is not just about the number of visitors, interactions and shares. Our programme exceeded expectations, helping transform the lives of people with schizophrenia, helping them lead the lives they want.

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