Cannes Lions

Pegasus - Whole Digital Campaign


Presentation Image
Case Film







Turkey’s pioneering low-cost airline Pegasus had been communicating about advantages of the low-cost airlines since the day it was founded. But now, it was about time for a new value proposition.


To properly communicate Pegasus’ fresh claim that it has renewed all its digital channels serving as touchpoints such as its website and mobile app for an uninterrupted and easy travel with consumers.

Communication objectives:

- To get 5 million views for our launch film ‘Turkey’s Digital Airlines’

- To reach 5 million people on social media including all of Pegasus’ digital channels throughout the campaign period

Perceptive objectives:

- To increase ‘Innovator company that offers unique services to its passengers’, ‘company with a user friendly app’ and ‘company with a user friendly web site’ image indicators by 3 points.


As digital channels improved consumer expectations from aviation industry became unequalled since consumers were already used to effortlessness and comfort in other sectors. Pegasus totally renewed its digital channels in order to enrich people’s travel experience. Pegasus, which has improved its web site, app and products/services in line with this objective, needed an effective awareness for its digital travel ecosystem. That’s how Turkey’s Digital Airlines’ idea came out.


Target Audience

Briefly, those who look for a comfy travel experience with a convenient airlines.

‘’Digital’’ travellers who enjoy online apps and services before, during and after their trips and expecting the same convenience from airlines.


While communicating this transformation, we had to emphasise to people who plan, design and manage their travels through digital channels that Pegasus would now provide a better and more digital travel experience. That’s why, we demonstrated the role that Pegasus plays through people’s relations with screens in our launch film. We mostly used digital media as our prime communication channel and supported it with radio and magazine ads(FlyPgs)


For every component in the launch film for Pegasus’ digital transformation, we created a digital projection. And for each component, we used different mediums relevant to the component. So, careful users had a chance to interact with these components and win free flight tickets eventually.

These components are as follows: Social media accounts created for each character in the film that interact with each other just like they did in the film, the flipped web sites which the characters visited in the film, the articles that the characters read in Pegasus Blog, location names that were listed on Google search results in the film and QR codes appeared in the film.


Communication Objectives:

The launch film was viewed by a total of 7.500.000 people on all Pegasus owned digital channels. Leaving radio medium and FlyPgs magazine out, we reached 10.000.000 people just on social media. Pegasus mobile app increased its ranking to 4 from 162 in Appstore. 37.746 people followed the clues and got the chance to fly with Pegasus.

Perceptive Objectives:

When image values of the pre-campaign period (September) and the month we communicated intensely (October) are compared:

‘Innovator company that offers unique services to its passengers’: +9 Points

‘Company with a user friendly app’: +5 Points

‘Company with a user friendly web site’: +6 Points increase recorded.

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