Cannes Lions


DDB CHINA GROUP, Shanghai / PEPSICO / 2014

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Case Film
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PepsiCo partnered with CWDF and Tmall, China's biggest e-commerce platform, to open an online hypermarket where people could shop not only just for themselves, but also for families in need. Whenever people bought something on our Tmall hypermarket, we encouraged them to also buy for others, adding a RMB 2 purchase (about 3 cents US) into their shopping cart - contributing to care packages. Once a donation of RMB 200 (around USD 30) was reached, a care package would be sent. We invited celebrity Huang Xiaoming to take on the job of a hypermarket delivery courier. His task was to deliver care packages to impoverished families, and his journey was broadcasted on Tmall, watched by millions. Supporting Chinese video sites were also deployed, as well as China's social media giant Weibo, to maximize reach.


- Huang Xiaoming's video was watched 44,067,804 times in two months;

- We witnessed 64,748 donators with a total donation amount of RMB 3,290,128 (USD 528,414) in two months.

In total, the charity drive helped the entire “Bring Happiness Home” campaign achieve a 140% year on year growth in terms of impressions and viewership; while the times it was searched on Baidu search engine also saw an increase of 129%. In the entire two months that the campaign ran for, we earned media cost valued at RMB 52.3 million (USD 8,351,512). On social media channels like Weibo, the campaign generated over 5 million buzz hits.

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