Cannes Lions


UM MALAYSIA, Petaling Jaya / JOHNSON & JOHNSON / 2014

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In the Holy Book of Islam, Prophet has said 'Smiling is Act of Charity'. A natural cavity free smile is the biggest end benefit of Listerine Green Tea Natural Mouthwash. Thus we decided to engage consumers stuck in traffic-jams while going to their hometown for Ramadaan celebrations with a simple yet powerful message.

We invited consumers stuck in jams to 'Smile at the driver next to them, as it is an act of charity'. This stuck an instant chord with the consumers and helped us position Listerine as a preferred choice for Muslim Consumers.


The winning concept was “Senyuman Itu Saddaqah “(Smile Naturally, Give Genuinely). Media and messaging was strategically interwoven to target them at the right time, place and context via out of home, retail, online, print and radio.

We set up smile collection-points at strategic retail-locations across Malaysia and consumers were enticed with the “Act of Saddaqah” and we urged them to share their best smiles, for each smile collected, Listerine would contribute cash & products towards charity. These smiles were captured and posted on Listerine Smile-wall on website, on ground and Facebook, thereby increasing the act of charity with a natural smile.

An important ritual of Ramadhan festival is “Balik Kampung” (Going to Village). We worked with the top two Malay radio stations, aired our message simultaneously inviting drivers to ‘smile at the person in the car next to them if they heard the message’.


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