Cannes Lions



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This was a great idea because it uses their own media to remember, a very common way to kill cockroaches: a rolled up paper. The impact is tremendous because it changes the usual way, that the consumer receives his/her paper. In addition to that, this is reached with low costs of production and realization. Our objective with this material was to reach the lower classes with the Insetisan services. This is a big market and has not been explored by our client. The media group identified a very popular and low budget vehicle: O Povo. It is a daily newspaper oriented to lower classes of consumers. Their approach is similar to papers like The Sun, but only with more crime and death news than the english paper. In general, clients like Insetisan don’t use this kind of media. The media group contribution was to stimulate the creative team to make a special ad for O Povo paper. The media group also helped in the execution of the idea by negotiating with the paper. This part was very difficult and tricky, because people could not see the paper main headline with the band on the paper. The central idea was to roll up the O Povo paper, a vehicle that has an editorial line oriented to tragedies, murders and bizarre deaths with a paper belt where it states: “Don’t increase the number of deaths in this newspaper. To kill cockroaches call Insetisan.To make this project happen the agency hired a printer to make the band. And the whole operation of enrolling the paper was made by the paper employees. Because there were operation problems we could only put the band on half of the Sunday morning papers or approximately 15,000 newspapers. The result was that the following Monday Insetisan had an increase in 3 times the number of phone calls. During the week the numbers of appointments to terminate cockroaches increased by more than 450%. This action also helped to increase the appointments to terminate rats and termites which are also other important markets to this client.


The media group identified a very popular and low budget vehicle: O Povo. It is a daily newspaper oriented to lower classes of consumers. Their approach is similar to papers like The Sun, but only with more crime and death news than the english paper. In general, clients like Insetisan don’t use this kind of media. The media group contribution was to stimulate the creative team to make a special ad for O Povo paper. The media group also helped in the execution of the idea by negotiating with the paper. This part was very difficult and tricky, because people could not see the paper main headline with the band on the paper.

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