Spikes Asia

P&G Rejoice EmojiMe #SeeBeyondTheHijab

VIRTUE, Singapore / PROCTER & GAMBLE / 2022


1 Shortlisted Spikes Asia
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Case Film
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In Malaysia, hijabis represent a big segment for hair care where major shampoo brands have a hijab-specific range to address the needs of the community. However, competition is intense with P&G Rejoice up against Safi and Sunsilk, key competitors with a larger market share.

In order to build relevance among hijabi Gen Zs, P&G needed to create a credible role for Rejoice in culture. And do this by staying true to their brand purpose of encouraging self-expression and driving advocacy for better representation of hijabi women.


To the wearer, the hijab is a symbol of pride and identity. But to many, it is seen as a singular item of clothing to vilify and dehumanize an already segregated population. Data and language experts tell us the way we communicate needs to change in order to rehumanize and build empathy. Yet the world’s most popular language for GenZ – emojis – has only one emotionless emoji. And the emoji keyboard on every mobile device further perpetuates the stigma that hijabis are nothing more than their headscarf.

P&G Rejoice believes that every person deserves the right to individuality and self-expression. #SeeBeyondTheHijab is a call to action for better representation giving hijabi women the tools they need to express themselves on the spaces they occupy on mobile and social. If cats can have nine emojis of different expressions, why deny 1 billion hijabis the right to express themselves freely?


With over 61 countries regulating women’s religious head coverings, it is clear that the head scarf is frequently used as a way to stereotype, marginalize and vilify.

This is particularly pertinent for GenZ hijabis - a generation struggling with self expression and identity in a world that has polarizing views on the Hijab.

To empower them, P&G Rejoice turned to two defining elements of their generation: social activism (70% take it upon themselves to solve societal issues impacted by older generations) and social media (70% use social media to voice concerns and create change).

With this segregation being perpetuated on the emoji keyboard with a solitary hijab emoji, we launched #SeeBeyondTheHijab to give the 1 billion strong hijabi population a voice on social and messaging apps. By creating a customized emoji pack and GIPHY stickers, we gave the power back to hijabis and enabled them to express themselves freely.


To get the world to #SeeBeyondtheHijab, we petitioned the Unicode Consortium on change.org to officially recognize a set of emoji designs that encapsulate the range and breadth of hijabi self expression. As the proposal typically takes 1-2 years for approval, we decided to continue the push for change and representation by creating a customized emoji pack to enable hijabis to showcase every facet of their personality, effortlessly.

This was launched on World Emoji Day, followed by a promo film to underscore the importance of change and representation. GIPHY stickers and a customized emoji pack were then distributed for use on Instagram and Tik Tok. We drove awareness with KOLs - Stephanie Kurlow (World’s first hijabi ballerina), Nor Phoenix Diana (Malaysia’s first hijabi wrestler), Qhouirunnisa (Malaysia’s first hijabi football freestyler). All of whom advocated for and broadcasted our cause for better hijab representation.


The #SeeBeyondtheHijab 60s social film garnered over 939,700 views on YouTube (TrueView in-stream skippable), performing at 15% above the industry benchmark VTR. The 15s film achieved a 30% reach on Youtube pre-roll (non-skippable), with over 1.6M completed views.

8 KOLs were engaged to drive awareness and engagement, achieving a social reach of 403k and 40k+ engagements.

The emoji mobile sticker pack on GIPHY hit 3 million organic engagements within 2 months.

#SeeBeyondtheHijab’s petition on Change.org received 1 supporter for every 6 views. Beating the platform’s benchmark statistics for petition signatures per page views by 4 times. More than 43% of the signatories have shared the petition on their social channels.

While our application to Unicode to officially recognize our emoji pack is still pending, the true result is starting a much-needed conversation to humanize the hijab and empower over 1 billion hijabis globally with the tools they needed for self-expression.

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