Cannes Lions

Phantom Limb Therapy



1 Bronze Cannes Lions
1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Case Film






When confronted with finding helpful solutions for Mirror Box Therapy, we found that Mirror Box is actually already a Virtual Reality solution, the arm is not there yet the mirror makes the person create a temporary reality in which it is, this way helping them relieve the real pain by using a virtual construct.


The natural evolution of this therapy was bringing the therapy into the realm the digital age. By mixing the processing power of a Samsung Galaxy S7, an infrared sensor, and the Samsung Gear VR we created a new environment in which we would replicate the effects of the Mirror Box Therapy inside a Virtual Digital Space. We found a way to create a portable application in which any person who has the devices can access a free therapy session for their Phantom Limb Pain. 


We partnered with therapists, a VR developer and patients to develop an application to use with the Samsung GearVR where users can see their missing limb and perform the mirror box therapy in a virtual environment. By showing the missing limb to the person, the application prompts users to do routines and games that help with the relief of the pain. 


The computing power behind the Phantom Limb platform is the most important part of the system. There are only two processors (Snapdragon 820 or Exynos 8890) that can handle the visual information coming from the Sensor. Because of this, the Samsung S7 edge is the perfect fit. The USB-C port integration of the Samsung Gear VR 2 made it possible to port that information into the phone.


The development of the platform took six months and the video case was placed on Samsung's social networks and press release communications.


We managed to create an engaging idea with Samsung followers and beyond. The execution became an inspiration for people to see Virtual Reality as a platform not only for entertainment but also something that can help people's lives in their daily lives.

We were able to prototype, test and design next to patients who suffer from Phantom Limb Syndrome to make the best execution for their needs.

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