Cannes Lions


TBWA\HELSINKI, Helsinki / SPONDA / 2015

Case Film
Supporting Images
Supporting Images






Globally shopping malls suffer from the lack of data. With Physical Cookie we can gather real time data that helps us to understand our customers shopping behavior better and enables us to do smarter and more relevant marketing inside the shopping mall in our own media channel. This is a disruptive loyalty program for a shopping mall. Instead of identifying the loyal customer at the end of the shopping process (purchase) by card swiping, the system identifies loyal customers upon entering the shopping mall, thus enabling a more fulfilling shopping experience.

Physical Cookie harnesses the existing digital out of home posters and adds re-targeting and reactive marketing capabilities to them. The system can also be used to analyze foot traffic inside a retail space or a shopping mall (heat maps, paths, time spent, floor-to-floor conversion etc.)

Innovation is often combination of two familiar things. We combined existing RFID tracking system from logistics and used to collect real time data on shopping mall customers. Privacy is not an issue, since we are only tracking behavioral data. To be able to do this we added a digital layer (RFID) to a to key chain and then connect it to our system.

The system consists of RFID-tags and readers combined with digital screens, price listings and servers. All the analytics and content management are controlled by the Physical Cookie -software, developed by the agency.

The system has a patent pending and Physical Cookie is a trademark of the agency

All the product development investments done by the agency

Finalized product version 1.0 global roll out in June, 2015


Physical Cookie is not a campaign or ambient stunt. It’s a system that? can be adapted to all digital posters ie. at the shopping malls, airports or a single retail chain. POC done in Finland proves that the data what we have collected is accurate and we can influence on shoppers behavior with smarter communication. Consumers reacted positively to the smarter interactive in-store advertising and the results were amazing.

+ 14,5% The floor-to-floor conversion.

+ 21,7% The time spent in shopping center.

The system can be used either as a new era of loyalty program or as a smarter digital poster media publishing system. It is not only limited to shopping malls and we are currently negotiating with outdoor companies, airports and with global single brand retail chains. The system has already been installed in Finland, Sweden and Germany and more markets will follow.

Development roll out plan: POC Q4/2014, Beta Q1/2015, global 1.0 product launch June/2015

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