Cannes Lions


SAMY ALLIANCE, Madrid / PETA / 2024

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The brief was to raise awareness about the ethical concerns surrounding leather production, shedding light on the exploitation and suffering endured by animals in the fashion industry; The objective was to challenge the prevailing perception of leather as a benign byproduct, instead revealing its true cost in terms of animal welfare. The piece is meant to ignite discourse and contemplation on the moral implications of using animal-derived materials in clothing and accessories to inspire viewers to actively seek out cruelty-free alternatives to leather. The main goal is to generate widespread publicity and media coverage for PETA's ongoing advocacy efforts, propelling the cause of animal rights and vegan fashion into the forefront of public consciousness.


We are invited into a private luxury birthday party where everyone seems to be having a good time. As it is a tradition in Mexican culture, we get closer to the culmination of the celebration, which is the breaking of the piñata. What seems like a children's game quickly turns into a gruesome scene where we are able to see the cruelty behind fashion at an animal's life expense. The piñata, shaped as a cow, instead of exploding with confetti and candy, starts bleeding out, and when it finally collapses, drops leather goods for which the party guests start battling, drenched in blood but somehow still unaware of the cruelty behind it. The birthday girl finally unties the scarf covering her eyes to discover the deeply disturbing scene in a state of shock.


The impact of this ad could be significant. By revealing the dark side of leather production within the setting of a joyful celebration, it has the potential to shock viewers and prompt them to rethink their support for leather goods. This could lead to increased awareness of the ethical issues surrounding the fashion industry's use of animal skins and encourage more people to consider cruelty-free alternatives. Moreover, the ad may spark discussions about the importance of animal rights and sustainable fashion practices, potentially influencing companies to reevaluate their sourcing methods. Through generating widespread attention, the ad could amplify PETA's message and garner support for their advocacy efforts, ultimately promoting compassion and positive change within the industry.

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