Cannes Lions

Pintervention by Dove

UNILEVER MEXICO, Mexico City / DOVE / 2024

Case Film
Presentation Image
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It all started with a powerful insight: women are bombarded with content telling them to reject their bodies and skin. When they are most vulnerable, and search for tips for self-care, all the messages tells them to "change", "erase" or "hide" some part of themselves. After carefully analyzing their digital behavior, we identified an opportunity to reach them with a positive message instead, reminding them the value they already have.

We wanted to connect emotionally with women of, practically, all ages (18-54). The brief consisted in creating a shift in perspective for women, from seeking to "improve" their skin to acceptance and self-love.

The campaign objectives were:

To reach 7 million Mexican women aged 18-54 within a 2-month period.

To position above the benchmark the markers of Brand recall and Recognition of Dove as a skincare brand.

To Increase the association of the "Real Beauty" message with Dove.


To transform a platform like Pinterest, that has been used for years as inspiration to "improve" the skin into one that recognizes and values your body as it is.

With a focus on the behavior of our users, we found a way to deliver a message of acceptance to women who are at their most vulnerable, generating an unparalleled and unprecedented positive impact.

While they searched in Pinterest for ways to eliminate imperfections, Dove embraced them with a message that redefined those imperfections as an important part of themselves, their history, and their life.

Analyzing their behavior on Pinterest, we detected which keywords were used by each type of user, using the data also in Meta and Google, responding with images tailored with reaffirming copy that helped to change how they perceive their scars, wrinkles, and skin.

Connecting emotionally, providing support and comfort, shifting the narrative from judgment to appreciation.


We started with a powerful insight: women are bombarded with messages rejecting their bodies and skin. After carefully analyzing their digital behavior, we identified an opportunity to reach them when they are most vulnerable to negative messages.

We turned to the platform where women seek inspiration and, with granular and personalized segmentation, launched ads with positive messages designed to address each of the most common skin-related searches. Thanks to their tone and style, these ads stood out among negative content, providing an opportunity to appreciate each person's real beauty.

We leveraged the algorithm with three formats to reach segments of Mexican users aged 18 to 54, with a CTA inviting them to our brand store in Amazon:

Spotlight: to reach the widest audience and raise awareness of the campaign.

Video Max: an Always-On video format to maximize reach.

Display: 80 different creatives with phrases and positive messages aimed at women.


We studied the journey of a user seeking products in the beauty category. We discovered that it starts with an external trigger that makes her feel insecure about her skin, leading her to a search bar to find treatment options. The negative message is reinforced with images that are not representative of ordinary women, further damaging her self-esteem.

By intervening in this cycle, we were able to generate a mindset shift. First, we analyzed the searches and categorized them into themes. With this information, we designed personalized messages for each type of user, generating unique responses with ads. When we detected behavior that fit the parameters, we intervened by showing each message, with words that helped change women's perception. Finally, by reinforcing our journey, we succeeded in changing users' behavior towards searches for acceptance.

We understood the platform's algorithm to turn a search bar into a social movement.


The success of this campaign is evident in achieving the unthinkable: Women impacted by Pintervention changed their interaction with the platform, seeking more messages of acceptance and abandoning searches for skin rejection, turning it into a movement that began with Dove but is now part of society.

- All lifts surpassed benchmarks for Mexico.

- We exceeded the reach target, reaching 9.1 million women.

- Positive acceptance messages achieved a brand favorability of 66%, 7.4 points above the platform benchmark.

- 173 million impressions.

- 575,000 clicks directed to purchase (Amazon).

- The CPM demonstrated 10% efficiency versus planned.

- Search terms related to campaign creatives within Pinterest increased after the Dove campaign.

- Throughout the campaign, we achieved a 60% positive sentiment, not only with good product comments but also with viewers identifying with the people in the ads.

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