Cannes Lions


MKT HOUSE, Santo Amaro / VEJA / 2024

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With new players coming into the surface cleaner market, Veja, who had been the absolute category leader for 55 years, saw its market share threatened.

Until then, other multinationals were more focused on different segments, and smaller companies did not have much representativeness, therefore Veja kept its competitiveness under control. However, after 2012, the brand lost 15 percentage points in 10 years, a significative loss.

From then on, the brand’s focus has been on regaining its leadership and stop the slump, targeting at innovation, consumer-centered communication, recovering new shoppers, winning new ones and being even more relevant at the POP. The main goal is to immediately increase company’s conversion and offer a unique experience for Brazilians in house cleaning.


When we talk about house cleaning, Veja is already inside Brazilian homes and minds. To renew that positioning with creativity, we brought the beat that best suits the task with a parody we developed for a national hit from Barões da Pisadinha and combined it with a product that boosts movement, smooths out the hard work, connects the brand, and amazes the digital environment.

Pisadinha was the perfect item to accompany “piseiro” and our exclusive dance, giving rise to an initiative that mobilized influencers with genuine voice and authentic connection with the audience, allowing the message to be imparted naturally and persuasively. We encouraged the purchase with our hit and the dance on digital platforms. By sending influencers a musical press kit, with the single, Veja Pisadinha and further products, we created buzz, enabled a memorable experience, and strengthened the relationship between Veja, influencers, and the targeted audience.


When we reflected upon the Brazilian behavior towards house cleaning, considering the context, we dove into the movement that arose from the need to clean combined with the habit of listening to music, dancing, and sharing.

To establish such a communication, we chose some influencers who are protagonists of this movement to portrait the experience of cleaning the house and having fun in the rhythm of “piseiro”, having the dance as encouragement while supporting our promotion in a proprietary manner.

By choosing influencers who are aligned with Veja’s values and goals and who also speak to our target, we could bring together all these elements and seize the power of influence to generate engagement, prompt sales and give Veja Pisadinha the status of a true hit. Such a strategy included collaboration in the promo campaign and enabled a continuous and authentic communication with old and new consumers.


A project like Veja Pisadinha is crucial for two reasons. First, it works as a connection between the brand and its target audience, imparting the key message in a clear, persuasive, and efficient maner. Second, it is a powerful tool to highlight Veja in an already glutted market.

In one year of promo and three months of actions, we:

Delivered over 400 thousand Pisadinhas for consumers through promo packs.

Gave away 2001 Pisadinhas, which were audited and delivered at the winners’ houses.

Gave away a USD 200,000,00 award for a final lucky winner.

Delivered more than 2 thousand Pisadinhas to influencers through press kits.

We placed our promo at 6,2 thousand POPs across Brazil from July 15 to October 31, 2023


We have accomplished numberless good results from our promo, endorsing its success among our consumers.

We have had a 38 BPS gain in market share in a market worth USD 1 billion in sell out.

Overall, there were 171 thousand products registered adding up to USD 200 thousand in sales, 300% higher than we had planned with the promo and Veja greatest engagement in a promo.

There was an investment close to USD 2 million in media, which led us to some great results:

+ 1.5 billion impacts,

+ 3.8 million impressions,

CTR in DO was 166% higher than planned,

VTR was 100% in KNOW: 141% higher than planned.

Finally, our promo reverberated across more than 20 publications nationwide, stressing its strength.

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