Cannes Lions


GREY ARGENTINA, Buenos Aires / PLAYBOY / 2011

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A book of Playboy Interviews was launched and a surprising and creative activation was carried out. It was the PLAYBOY INTERVIEW GARAGE TOUR.

We realised that garages were the best vehicle for maximising an idea that can be summed up by replacing the typical Playboy posters of naked women with ground-breaking interviews with celebrities like Woody Allen, Muhammad Ali, John & Yoko, Charly García, Fidel Castro, among others. And by making these interviews into a surprise activation. The PLAYBOY INTERVIEW GARAGE TOUR. A circuit of historical Playboy interviews displayed in six garages around the Palermo neighbourhood, as an unprecedented cultural and artistic expression.


THE RESULTSThousands of people took the PLAYBOY INTERVIEW GARAGE TOUR, but over 650,000 followed this cultural activation on Facebook, Foursquare and Twitter.

So the Playboy brand also reached audiences with which it usually has no connection, for example, women, and begin to have a better than expected relationship, thus overcoming the barrier of being a magazine exclusively of nudes. Because that’s what Playboy is: “Much more than naked women”. PLAYBOY. MUCH MORE THAN NAKED WOMEN.

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