Cannes Lions

The Book of Rock

ALMAPBBDO, Sao Paulo / KISS FM / 2017


1 Silver Cannes Lions
3 Bronze Cannes Lions
1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
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Demo Film
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Demo Film
MP3 Original Language
Supporting Content
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Case Film
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With that in mind, we decided to create a book with rock that could be played – but also featuring the culture of rock, which deserves to be heard and saved for perpetuity. This is how the Book of Rock was born. Hewn out of wood, the book of rock includes 10 biographies written in arcane, mysterious prose, 10 illustrations of the bands that feature the essence of rock, a secret record player, 10 LPs that play 10 rock classics, and – as if that weren’t enough – 10 stories from beyond, engraved into the very same records, which are only heard if the button to spin the turntable backwards is activated. Once created, the book was sent, in all its grandeur, to the curator of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland. Today it’s on display for whoever wants to see it.


We decided to illustrate Kiss FM’s relationship to the culture behind rock in a direct and practical way. Each page of the book delves into the history and mysteries of rock by recounting real stories about the bands. All of these stories formed the content for a weekly show on Kiss FM. Moreover, the original book, artisanally crafted in a painstaking procedure that took around 2 years to complete. The illustrations were inspired by a medieval look. After a lengthy search, we found an artist able to reproduce, by hand, a style not easily found nowadays. Each detail and each patch of cross-hatching, from the bands themselves to the frames, down to the font, it was all drawn by hand. The book was sent to Cleveland, to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, representing our radio station in the high temple of rock ‘n’ roll.


The book brought remarkable results for the station. Since it was an artisanal piece of work, made of wood, Zamac, and aluminum, including illustrations, LPs and a secret record player specially developed for the project, it got the public’s attention. What’s more, it was accepted by the curator at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum in Cleveland, where it’s on display for all to admire. And the stories from beyond – as well as the classics we selected – became the basis for a weekly radio show on the station itself, getting listeners everywhere to pay attention to Kiss FM. The book, a visually impeccable and awe-inspiring piece, is completely shareable. After all, the internet can take plenty of the responsibility for helping to spread legends, mysteries, and curiosities.

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