Cannes Lions




1 Bronze Cannes Lions
1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film






According to the Polish law product location is forbidden, but there are some exceptions allowed which include some types of television broadcasts. As far as program sponsorships are concerned, there are some formal requirements like informing about product locations in case of radio, and using a special 8 sec format recommended by the legislator in case of television. The information about the producer should be incorporated into the format in TV and placing any promotional or sales messages is strictly forbidden.

In case of entertainment or sports shows, the current rules assume that entering the product cannot stand alone and should be connected to some additional initiative/idea/subject. In press any sponsored article should be marked with such a label.


25 years after the fall of communism, we wanted people to feel proud of how far we've come and make Prima coffee a part of this experience. Before we recovered our freedom, the foreign parcels smelling of coffee gave us hope and support. Now that we have our freedom and our own coffee, it was time to give back.

"Thank-you parcels" is an integrated campaign designed to run from March 2nd to June 4th, the end of the jubilee year in Poland.

- TV and on-line: 3 documentary films, aired on TV and on-line, became the invitation to join our campaign.

- On Prima's website, a digital platform was created, where consumers could share their stories and send their own thank-you parcels with a personal letter and a pack of Prima coffee.

- In stores, everybody could donate a cup of coffee to the action with a promotional package.


4,864 personal letters came and over 500 memories were shared

The Prima’s web daily traffic increased by 4,122% ( March 1st vs March 24th)

Bringing back and sharing memories generated an immediate response in media - our stories appeared on printed press, digital media and on main TV stations, not only as mentions but as materials up to 10 minutes, generating 220,000 EUR in earned media.

The sales by the third week of the campaign increased by 1,5 million PLN ( 385,000 EUR) – by over 13%. Prima coffee gained 4% in the sales value share, While Tchibo, main competitor lost 1%.

Over 1 ton of coffee was sent in the first 10 days, giving new endings to thousands of unfinished personal stories of human solidarity and making thousands of people proud of our Polish coffee.

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