Cannes Lions

Prompts for Salsa

DRAFTLINE, Bogota / POKER / 2023

Presentation Image
Case Film






Salsa, a traditional Colombian music genre, has faced a decline in interest and popularity in recent years. Despite being an essential part of Colombian culture, salsa struggles to compete with other contemporary genres, making it challenging for brands and musicians to connect with younger generations.

The decline in the popularity of salsa poses a significant challenge for brands, including the Cali beer called Poker, which has always associated its brand with the spirit of salsa and bringing friends together.

Poker recognized the importance of promoting and preserving the cultural heritage of salsa, while also engaging with younger generations. Therefore, the brand aimed to create an initiative that would reignite the passion for salsa and create a new identity for the genre. The objectives were to celebrate salsa as an integral part of Colombian culture, attract younger audiences, and create a connection between the brand and the genre.


The creative idea behind Prompts for Salsa was to revive the passion for salsa, a musical genre that has been integral to Colombian culture for decades, by giving it a fresh and modern identity. Using AI and technology, we trained the system with everything about salsa - from the dresses and album covers to the places and typography associated with the genre. This allowed every citizen to turn their feelings into unique and original pieces of art. Our focus on bringing people together through the shared love of salsa aligned perfectly with the spirit of Poker Beer longstanding commitment to uniting friends from all over Colombia. The result was the biggest, most democratic, digital salsa art gallery the world has ever seen, inspiring a new generation to keep the salsa tradition alive.


To gather data, the Prompts for Salsa team researched the history and cultural significance of salsa in Cali. The target audience was music lovers and fans of salsa who were passionate about preserving the culture. The approach was to use AI and technology to create a platform that would allow people to turn their personal feelings about salsa into unique, original works of art. The call to action was for people to use the platform and create their own posters, which were then exhibited around the city and shared on social media. The ultimate goal was to inspire people to come together and celebrate the culture of salsa, as well as encourage a new generation to appreciate this important part of Colombian heritage.


The execution of Prompts of Salsa started with the concept of uniting friends and creating a new identity for salsa, the genre that has united many friends over the years but has been viewed as a thing of the past. The campaign was built around Cali's reputation as the world capital of salsa, and the long-standing heritage of Poker, the Cali beer since 1929.

The first step was to train the artificial intelligence (AI) with everything about salsa, including Orquestas, Dresses, Album Covers, Posters & Typos, Places, and other relevant elements. This helped create a platform where every citizen could be an artist and turn their feelings into personal, unique, and original pieces of art.

The AI experiment resulted in the creation of the first series of posters with the latest technology, printed in the most traditional way, and exhibited in every corner of the city. The posters aimed to create a new identity for salsa and were shared on social media to create the biggest, most democratic, digital salsa art gallery the world has ever seen.

The campaign's placement and scale were significant factors in its success, with 10,000 unique posters created in just five days, resulting in 8,200,000 impressions in free press. The campaign's brand relevance was reinforced through the use of the Poker logo, and the materials, style elements, and design choices of the posters reflected the traditional and modern elements of salsa.

The methods and process included the use of AI, data gathering, and extensive training with salsa elements. The timeline was executed efficiently, with the campaign launched in a short period, generating a significant impact on the target audience.


The Prompts for Salsa campaign was a tremendous success, achieving impressive results across multiple categories. The campaign generated 10,000 unique posters in just 5 days, with 8.2 million impressions in free press. The positive feeling towards the brand increased by 1.6 points, showing the effectiveness of the campaign in changing brand perception. In terms of business impact, the campaign led to an increase in sales and website traffic. The response rate was also high, with a large number of music lovers participating in the initiative and sharing their salsa posters with their friends. The campaign successfully changed behaviour, inspiring people to rediscover and enjoy salsa music, and showcasing how technology can be used to preserve cultural heritage.

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