Cannes Lions

Psoriasis: The Inside Story (Online Videos)


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Case Film






People with psoriasis are living smaller lives. How small is yours? “Psoriasis: The Inside Story (Dating)” holds a mirror to the common coping mechanism of avoiding intimacy, for fear of what a partner may think. The narrative unfolds through inner thoughts that follow a common thought process those with the disease can relate to, but aren’t often conscious of: Telling themselves that being alone is okay. For the best, even. And realizing that they’re letting themselves down, by missing out on experiences they can’t get back


Psoriasis: The Inside Story (Dating)” is one of four films, all shot over two days, for a budget of less than 100K per film, including post. It was created to speak to adults with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis who are shying away from intimacy and dating. . There was a conscious effort to include a protagonist that represented the LGBT community, an often overlooked demographic. The storytelling is personal and unique, as told through the protagonist’s thoughts – to tap into the mindset of the disease, and effects of coping, vs the physical impact alone. The craft of the story arc is in the subtle way that one thought weaves into the next – to go from rationalizing his isolation (“Deleting this [dating] app is going to be the best thing that ever happened to me") to the realization of what he’s missing. And the deep sense of loneliness that comes with it.


The reception to this film has been incredibly positive, with those going through the disease being able to relate to a side of psoriasis that is rarely talked about (the emotional side - specifically, how coping inhibits life).

The film is currently in its "soft launch phase". Though we don't have any meaningful metrics yet, we expect it to yield powerful results when the campaign is in full swing - based on responses we've seen so far.

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