Cannes Lions

PwC Virtual Spaces

PRICE WATERHOUSE COOPERS, Frankfurt am Main / PWC / 2023

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After hosting a virtual 3D webinar in 2020 using our white-label event solution, PwC were convinced they could build an innovative new platform to rewrite their daily business practices, and leave their mark in a rapid moving industry. A long term partnership proceeded with the ultimate goal of rolling out a new work tool to the company workforce and beyond, the solution needed to be custom built and browser based, yet securely impenetrable to meet crucial PwC compliance standards of the highest level.


We came up with a holistic web solution, where associates and clients could navigate their virtual business-avatars around idyllic work and event locations and have more focussed, approachable interactions together, internationally and around the clock. By custom designing and modelling a full set of virtual environments, we could create context-specific spaces for hosting diverse business use cases such as: enabling colleagues to hold daily meetings and workshops, having executives host a public live stream presentations, or letting the next generation of digitally affin graduates soak up inspiring brand content.


With the shared goal to lead by example, we built a virtual collaboration solution with PwC in the midst of working together entirely remote—running our dailies and project reviews inside the platform itself. By operating in the confines of a real use case, we could then take the project further by implementing an informed strategy and design from the ground up. Additionally, internal user testing within PwC‘s different country markets was frequently hosted on the platform, helping fine tune every feature set to better represent and empower all employees male/female/diverse with a mix of cultures, beliefs and economic backgrounds.


The entire platform experience is powered by our own infrastructure coined “REH”, which marries a tailor-made combination of various technologies and frameworks with a custom 3D model, texture and lighting pipeline. Every last detail corresponds to PwC brand values which are turned into design principles that inform the virtual spatial architecture throughout. Other features such as face-to-face avatar interactions, text chats, in-world screen sharing, proximity based call zones, or the integration of collaboration boards and live stream presentations – all form an immersive brand experience that simplifies and optimises the daily work of employees. Now enabling the global firm to best consult their international client list around the clock. Virtual Spaces has been active since the beginning of 2023, intentionally designed to be a persistent daily business metaverse solution for PwC Germany and their clients.


PwC as a global consultancy firm advising over 400 of the world’s Fortune 500 companies is now leading the digital transformation megatrend with their custom built, self-hosted and self-maintained virtual business platform. PwC Virtual Spaces sets a historical landmark for the organisation and its global network of industry giants in establishing a highly accessible, cost effective, digital-first, security compliant solution for worldwide collaboration and exchange. As a web application it has been whitelisted for rollout to company devices, and is accessed via their internal SSO infrastructure by all 12,000 employees at PwC Germany, resulting in the extremely secure use of a metaverse in an efficient business context.

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