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Pxmart Hungry Ghost Festival

OGILVY & MATHER, Taipei City / PXMART / 2017

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Case Film
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“Young people had forgotten the tradition of feeding the wandering spirits. How could we motivate them to care about Hungry Ghost Festival?“

Like Halloween in the West, Taiwanese people have “Hungry Ghost Festival,” when the world of the living is believed to be filled with lonely, wandering ghosts, and everyone goes to the markets to buy provisions, which they offer to the spirits as gifts.

But young Taiwanese felt no interest in Hungry Ghost Festival. They were gradually forgetting about the tradition of helping out the wandering spirits.

As Taiwan’s number-one supermarket chain, Pxmart knew that to boost business, they needed to convince young people to get involved in Hungry Ghost Festival.


“1 Week, different versions of the Same TVC, a 3-stage Media Campaign … A Paranormal Incident Shakes Taiwan! “

(1) Invisible ghosts: We released the first commercial film in history starring lead characters who were all invisible. News reports flooded the media.

(2) The ghosts appear: Three days later, we randomly broadcast different versions of the commercial – one with invisible ghosts, and one where they materialized. People believed they really had seen ghosts. The story continued to heat up.

(3) The Big Reveal: One week later, we released a web-based interactive video, revealing the truth. The ghosts were still invisible in the video, but if anyone typed the letters “RIP” while they were watching it, the ghosts suddenly appeared. The campaign rose to a dramatic climax.

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