Cannes Lions


DDB SAN FRANCISCO, San Francisco / CLOROX / 2013

Case Film






It’s early afternoon in the hardware store. A woman grabs a bottle of Liquid Plumr Urgent Clear from the shelf. Reading the bottle to herself, the words immediately conjure up a sexual fantasy in her mind.

Cut to her fantasy- she’s now made up, her clothes a little more provocative. She’s on her way down the stairs when she’s stopped by the sound of the doorbell.

She looks over and standing there is a gorgeous plumber with a bottle of Liquid Plumr Urgent Clear.

He says provocatively, “I heard you need it now.”

The woman responds coyly that she “only has 10 minutes.” To which, he replies that he “only needs seven.”

Cut to the two of them in the bathroom.

The plumber looks on with approval as our woman uses Liquid Plumr to clear the drain.

The gurgle of water flowing signifying a cleared pipe awakens the woman from her daydream.

Still in the hardware store, she notices that the plumber from her fantasy is actually a store employee. With the lines of reality and fantasy blurred, she sees him everywhere in sexually charged positions.

Smiling like a schoolgirl, she hastily grabs a few more bottles before rushing off, slightly embarrassed, yet satisfied.

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