Cannes Lions

Raise It


Case Film






We needed to engineer “smarts” into the structure of our very idea, not just in its execution. Social feeds are where our audiences show-off their “smarts”, so we needed to take these mechanics (& associated language) and develop a franchise that felt native to it. We wanted to ground the idea in a social theme people would recognise from their feeds and in poker behaviour. So the camapign was inspired by the social beefs that you see flare up as when two singer (Swift/Minage) start slagging off each others booty. We all like a rumble and social media loves them and commenting on them. So we turned the brief on its head, conceiving a whole new brand idea - #Raiseit - that would champion an approach to life that pursued everyday smarts by pitting top Sporting talent against each other.


So we designed a content-led campaign built around a series of videos tagged & posted on the talents’ feeds that gameify everyday life into extraordinary feats. We prioritized authenticity over everything in the production approach, shooting in vertical video and using iPhones on the shoot alongside high end equipment. So, when audiences watch Neymar do keepy-ups in a garden, then knock a drone out of the sky with the same football, you know this is real, not a thin advertising conceit. We captured everyday moments where Ronaldo and Neymar and then Dwayne Wade and Christiano Ronaldo, could pull everyday“smarts” and post them at each other, encouraging the other to #raiseit back.

The campaign was carefully positioned to not feel too orchestrated, and launched with a PR approach to capture editorial coverage before media spend was deployed, and a global network of influencers were mobilized to create their own #RaiseIt feat.


• Campaign has achieved over 141 million views to date and counting.

• Launched on the talent’s Facebook channels, it was supported on Instagram with a suite of influencers.

• Achieved 82 million views on Facebook, 56 million being organic, with an average of £0.01p per video from a paid media perspective.

• 44 million views on Instagram, all organic.

• Videos scored 10 out of 10 for relevancy and had 100% completion rate on Facebook

• Over 12m likes, 452k shares and 233k comments

• Became Ronaldo’s most viewed video ever on Instagram

• Ronaldo’s first video alone generated over $5m in AVE through PR coverage including ESPN, CNN, Mail Online, Daily Mail and FOX to name a few. The campaign was featured in 7 articles.

• #raiseit exceeded internal benchmarks by 5 times to be PokerStars most successful social media campaign eve

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