Cannes Lions

Raise Your Arms

OGILVY, Singapore / UNILEVER / 2024

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Situation: Underarm shaming among Pinays was such a widespread problem that they even had a name for it – “kili-kili shaming”

Brief: Empower Pinays to have the confidence to show off their underarms.

Objective: Start a conversation and activate to bare their underarms in a unified movement against underarm shaming.


Throughout history, women have created change by raising their arms in protests, rallies and civil disobedience movements. Our idea “Raise Your Arms” reminds women of this fact – when women raise their arms, change happens, to free women from underarm anxiety.


Insight: Filipinas have been underarm-shamed for too long, International Women’s Month is opportune time to challenge toxic beauty attitudes.

Key message: Raise your arms for change.

Target audience: Filipino women aged 20-45 who are active on social media and likely to have been either victims or perpetuators of “kili-kili shaming”.

Creation and distribution of assets: Ignite conversations with impactful visuals using out-of-home channels and activate on social channels with the help of changemakers and influencers.


During International Women’s Month, starting 8 March 2024, visuals of international and local changemakers raising their arms for change were published on print publications and outdoor billboards in the Philippines.

This ignited conversations in the media about the problem of “kili-kili shaming”, with many victims stepping forward. Local changemakers joined the conversation and rallied Filipinas around the #FreeThePits movement, inspiring thousands to raise their arms and share their photos and videos on their social media.


150 million earned impressions, with #FreeThePits becoming the top 3 trending hashtags in the Philippines in the month of March and April 2024.

More than 5,000 pieces of UGC: women shared photos and videos of themselves raising their arms for change.

More than 120 earned stories.

91% positive sentiment in the Philippines as negative attitudes were replaced.

Dove was recognized as the brand that empowers Filipino women to reject toxic beauty standards and embrace every part of their bodies, especially their underarms.

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