Cannes Lions


MARCEL, Paris / RAY-BAN / 2014


2 Silver Cannes Lions
10 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
Case Film
Presentation Image






Ray-Ban has millions of fans in every corner of the world. With different regulations and restrictions in every single country, we needed to find a singular idea that would put the power in the hands of the fans allow them to shape their own experience with the brand.


Ray-Ban, under its highly successful brand mantra of “Never Hide” had millions of fans spread out on every popular social media network. We decided it was finally time to connect them and get them to graduate from just “liking” the brand to become a part of it, by creating The Order of Never Hide. The tongue-in-cheek, “ancient non-secret secret society” connected Ray-Ban fans everywhere. And through a series of online challenges, gave them a chance to grow their notoriety within The Order. The results were impressive, weird, honest, and hilariously entertaining. And they proved that never hide isn’t just a tagline, it’s a way to live.


The Order of Never Hide was easily one of the most successful and holistic campaigns Ray-Ban has ever launched, as it created a singular stage to bring together fans everywhere, both physical and virtual. And because The Order was created as a society (and not just a one-off idea), it gave Ray-Ban an exciting, live platform to allow them to continue to engage with fans in an organic, collaborative, and inclusive way.

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