Cannes Lions


VML, Bogota / BRIDGESTONE / 2018

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We set out with our client to find a use for the rubber from used tires that was more than just a novelty. Seeing that football is life in South America, we started there. This love of football spreads across the content from rich to poor. For children born into poverty their love is just as strong, but they can't afford cleats to play the game on the same level as others. That's when the idea was born, cleats made from the recycled tires that we could give to these children. Turn one problem into a solution for another problem.


Used tires are taken out of landfills, refined, and turned into useable material. We then worked with a local Colombian athletic shoe maker to take our 3D design and mass produce them. They helped us to design a cleat pattern specifically for any surfaces these children might play on from gravel to mud. The design is now finalized and being mass produced with each shoe comprised of 80% reclaimed tires. We've partnered with Colombianitos, a children's charity that uses football to keep kids off the street. When we have enough shoes, they will help us distribute them to the children who need them most.


We will continue to work with Colobianitos to build their programs and offer opportunities to as many children as possible. Once the program has spread across Columbia our client wants to launch recycleats as a global platform. The love of football spans the globe and we want to make sure every child has a fair chance to play the game while reducing tire waste in every country.

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