Cannes Lions

Red Bull for G-Drive

GAZPROM NEFT, St. Petersburg / GAZPROM / 2016

Presentation Image
Case Film






The creative concept is to make surreal-quality mobile-phone-style videos showing the surging strength in Hulk. The main character of the campaign is a Zenit football club player with one of the most powerful shots in the world: Givanildo Vieira de Souza known as Hulk

We wanted to show how powerful Hulk’s shots can be when he drinks a Red Bull for G-Drive.

The shooting took place on the training grounds of Zenit football club in Saint-Petersburg. Zenith players Andrey Arshavin, Axel Witsel and Egor Baburin also took part in the campaign.

A series of realistic video look like they were shot on a mobile phone and demonstrate Hulk’s incredible power which he has after having an energy drink.

6 viral video clips united by hashtag G-Drive #thisispowerful were released.


The first two videos were posted on the web without any reference to the promoted brand and it was not until the third video became available when the Red Bull for G-Drive and the brand pack were unveiled. The secret is thus revealed: the player owes his abilities to the new energy drink Red Bull for G-Drive. The promo campaign released a total of six viral videos inspired by one idea and one hash-tag: 'G-Drive is power!'.

At the initial promotion stage, videos were released to FC Zenit social networking communities, forums and groups populated by the active and loyal audience of sports enthusiasts relishing and commenting on them. It produced a viral effect for the entire campaign.

In Saint Petersburg and the Leningrad region the online campaign backed up offline as well with outdoor advertising featuring Hulk.


Over four months the video series received almost 73 million views including 63 million organic views. Thus, the viral effect of the campaign scored over 631%.

The references were made by high-profile TV programs, websites and publications all over the globe: Channel One, NTV, CNN, Daily Mail, Europost and many others.

Over 855,000 comments, likes and sharings.

With a month into the promotional campaign, the Red Bull for G-Drive sales had grown up 126% over the previous period, while competitors’ sales fell 8%.The return on investment (ROI) was 197%.

The viral marketing campaign is directly associated with the G-Drive brand with over 50% of respondents even without the reference in the first two videos.

By the end of 2015, the video series was rated viral project No. 1 in Russia.

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