Cannes Lions



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The main communication goal was to maintain some advertising presence in the winter season which is the low selling period for Reeb Beer. The momentum of The Shanghaiese (the unique identity of Reeb) must be rode on.As promoting the product was in the low selling season, a minimal advertising budget was allocated to support advertising placement. New production was impossible because no budget was planned. With the limited budget, the media weight was very minimal. Advertising noise should be very low, and then arousing limited advertising impact. The cluttered advertising environment further deteriorated the advertising effectiveness.It is easy to complete our job by scheduling some TV spot. However, the media team was not satisfied with the minimal advertising impact, given that a limited budget was allocated. The media team continued to brainstorm creative media buy in order to maximize advertising effectiveness.This idea solved all the problems, achieving the maximization of advertising impact & noise with small advertising cost. It fully rode on the momentum of The Shanghaiese, effectively promoted Reeb, stood out from the cluttered environment, and at a very low cost.In order to maximize advertising impact, commercial jungle was used as the core element of the TV programme. It was frequently broadcast in a natural environment. Negative impression of hard selling was eliminated. The communication goals are a classic requirement of every advertiser. The media team did not give up the working principle, getting the best from from client.The project demonstrates the quality and value of the media team working independently from idea creation to execution.The idea was solely created by the media team. Neither the client nor the creative agency were involved in idea generation. The media team were solely responsible for the whole execution:1) Negotiation with TV station for the feasibility of this idea;2) Negotiation with the best channel & time-slot (the programme was broadcast on prime channel in prime time which was very difficult to be materialized);3) Negotiating the appropriate TV programme that this idea could be built-in.

4) Discussion with TV production team for the exact content run-down;5) Supervise the programme shooting;The media team did a great job without the involvement of the creative agency or client. The team not only fulfilled the communication goal, but also maximized advertising impact that could not be achieved through normal media / spot buy. Brand image is the normal element of selling beer. Unlike other competitors, a very special approach was used to reinforce the identity of Reeb.The campaign rode on the theme of The Shanghaiese (a unique identity of Reeb) that was successfully developed in last year. In order to make it natural and eliminate the negative impression of hard-sell among consumers, original programme format was applied:- Competition among participants;- Judge panel for further comment;- Prize presentation, etcIt is natural to bring the commercial jungle (an obvious identity of Reeb) into the programme, and frequently playing the advertisement of Reeb by changing the visual content. The environment was full of fun.This idea successfully merged advertisement and TV programme content in a perfect manner. We did not want to create a situation that one party got the maximum benefit at the expense of the other party. Both the advertiser and TV station must be sure win. On one hand, the TV station kept the programme essence, identity and quality. On the other hand, Reeb was fully promoted by repeatedly playing its unique commercial jungle. Both advertiser and TV station are satisfied with the idea and arrangement.The key issue was a new programme with a new broadcasting time. Our content was injected into the existing programme of TV station. Programme name & telecast time remained. However, Reeb’s title was built-in the programme naturally.The idea demonstrated a good example of natural and smooth combination between advertisement and TV programme, i.e. without the feeling of hard sell. It set a benchmark for future co-operation.The idea should be the winner for the following reasons:1) It successfully promoted the product without deteriorating the advertising value and programme essence.2) It enhanced the product association with the Shanghai citizen, thus strengthening its positioning.a) Broadcast on Shanghai TV channel and programme;b) Shanghaiese participants;c) Shanghaiese singer (who is also the singer of commercial jungle) as one of the judges;d) Shanghaiese and Shanghai background were featured in the competition, etc.e) Tie-in with the general living environment of the citizen.3) It was almost impossible to be materialized due to the unclear policy of TV station in a developing country. (At that time, TV stations were merged. Programme direction & schedule were very unstable.) It is easy to be turned down by the TV station without any further explanation. This great idea helps to persuade the TV station to accept the co-operation.


The communication goals are a classic requirement of every advertiser. The media team did not give up the working principle, getting the best from from client.The project demonstrates the quality and value of the media team working independently from idea creation to execution.The idea was solely created by the media team. Neither the client nor the creative agency were involved in idea generation. The media team were solely responsible for the whole execution:1) Negotiation with TV station for the feasibility of this idea;2) Negotiation with the best channel & time-slot (the programme was broadcast on prime channel in prime time which was very difficult to be materialized);3) Negotiating the appropriate TV programme that this idea could be built-in.

4) Discussion with TV production team for the exact content run-down;5) Supervise the programme shooting;The media team did a great job without the involvement of the creative agency or client. The team not only fulfilled the communication goal, but also maximized advertising impact that could not be achieved through normal media / spot buy.

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