Cannes Lions

Release Your Inifinite Sessions

CARAT, Mexico City / DIAEGO / 2019

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Case Film
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One of the main drivers of growth of alcoholic beverage brands is "people talking about" in which digital media plays a key role and experiences usually trigger the conversation.

The brand has already managed to position itself in terms of progress, however, the challenge was to help users to progress and encourage them to talk about it.

Johnnie Walker´s progress campaign "Release Your Infinite" is based on an attempt of encouraging users to explore their passions and thus reveal their potential. This brings us to an additional challenge, helping the user to discover what that facet he / she wants to develop is.

Through messages, conversation and experience, the goal was to get as many users as possible to go one step further in their path to progress.


The best way to encourage people to dare to take one step further is helping them to face their biggest fear. “Release Your Infinite Sessions” by Johnny Walker and FUN came to life as the most iconic Fuck Up Night ever, where chef - Aquiles Chávez , composer and singer - Pambo, YouTuber - Chumel Torres and the icon of progress - Johnnie Walker, showed them that the road to progress is full of failures. And it was finished with the epic celebration of the failures that lead us to our biggest success.


If progress is so important, why encouraging users to talk about personal progress is so difficult?

We discovered that uncertainty and failure are the main barriers to talk about progress in social media. In the digital age, success and failure, no matter how small, are not lived discreetly. With this in mind, which brand talking about about progress, would want to be related to Fuck up stories? A brand that understands that there is no secret formula to success, realizes that there are many ways to achieve, and therefore the likelihood of failure is high.

So we create a conversation around last years failures starting with key opinion leaders and the Anti-TED-Talk FUN, an authority to talk about fails. This conversation ended with an event where all got inspired by the failures that leaded our heroes to succeed.


January is the most relevant month to talk about resolutions. During this period people set new goals and that was our opportunity to trigger a conversation about progress.

FUN platform has the credentials to ask users what that project was that they left unfinished in 2018 under the hashtag #MyFuckingResolution.

1) A teaser video amplified the invitation to an event in which national figures would take part.

2) To obtain a ticket, people had to tell us their failed plan of 2018 through social networks.

3) The whole conversation on social networks was consolidated in a micro-site where other users could be inspired and feel confident to share their stories.

4) In a festive environment in which we saw that failure is also celebrated, Aquiles Chávez, Pambo and Chumel Torres shared their stories.

5) Content of the event was shared in the brands' digital channels, PR and earned media alliances.


- 2,685,044 of users were exposed to a message inviting them to ask themselves what their unfulfilled resolutions of last year were.

- 934 people shared their unfulfilled resolutions of which 56% were able to interact in the inspiration sessions.

- The conversation about progress around the brand increased by +89% mentions+ 3245% reach vs. other initiatives to encourage conversation about progress linked to the brand

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