Cannes Lions

Rewrite The Story


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Case Film
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The situation involved Colombian telenovelas, which, while immensely popular, often depicted excessive alcohol consumption without consequences, potentially influencing real-life behavior. Club Colombia's brief was to address this issue by partnering with RCN, Colombia's largest broadcaster, to promote responsible drinking. The campaign aimed to rewrite scenes in popular telenovelas to depict characters drinking responsibly. The objectives were to increase awareness of responsible drinking practices, change perceptions of alcohol consumption in media, generate positive brand association for Club Colombia, and measure the impact on viewers' attitudes and behaviors toward alcohol.


The creative idea of "REWRITE THE STORY: Responsible Sips" aimed to tackle the cultural normalization of excessive alcohol consumption in Colombia, using telenovelas as a powerful social influencer. By analyzing popular telenovelas, scenes depicting excessive drinking were identified. In collaboration with RCN, these scenes were reimagined and re-shot with the original cast, presenting alternative endings showcasing responsible drinking behaviors. This approach effectively utilized the widespread popularity of telenovelas to engage viewers and convey the message in a compelling manner. The campaign's transmedia strategy and alternative endings garnered substantial media coverage and positive audience response, fostering greater awareness of responsible drinking and contributing to a decrease in alcohol-related traffic accidents.


The campaign targeted Colombian viewers, particularly telenovela fans accustomed to seeing alcohol consumption portrayed without consequences. This cultural norm, where drinking and driving are not as negatively perceived as they should be, posed a challenge for Club Colombia. To address this, the campaign aimed to showcase responsible drinking behaviors in familiar TV narratives, challenging deeply ingrained perceptions. The target audience included individuals over 18 years old who consider alcohol consumption and driving as normal. By partnering with RCN, Colombia's largest broadcaster, the campaign capitalized on the community-building power of the country's highest-rated telenovela to amplify its message. Through social media and transmedia storytelling, Club Colombia engaged viewers, empowering them to reshape narratives about alcohol consumption in their favorite shows. This approach not only engaged the audience but also empowered them to advocate for responsible drinking, creating a lasting impact beyond the campaign itself.


The campaign started by identifying scenes portraying excessive alcohol consumption, which were then rewritten and refilmed with the original cast to showcase responsible drinking alternatives. Viewers could access these scenes by scanning a QR code during the telenovela broadcast, directing them to a digital platform. Discounts on water, food, and transportation, along with responsible drinking tips, were also provided.

These responsible scenes aired throughout December, targeting the month with the highest alcohol-related accident rates in Colombia. The campaign focused on the telenovela "Rigo," which had the country's highest rating of 13.2 points, and was promoted across various social media platforms. This approach demonstrated high scalability, leveraging the influence of telenovelas globally and the growing popularity of series from major broadcasters, suggesting potential for even greater impact when adapted to different issues.


The campaign achieved notable success with the alternative scenes, surpassing the viewership of the original scenes aired on national TV. With over 2 million views of the responsible scenes and a high positive interaction rate of 98%, it effectively engaged the audience, showing an engagement of over 70%. The campaign also demonstrated significant earned media impact, reaching 4.5 million people. It is important to highlight a notable 27% reduction in traffic accidents related to alcohol consumption, indicating a positive change in behavior and perceptions. This positive impact was felt nationally, further enhancing the campaign's success.

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