Cannes Lions

Wait for Beer


Case Film
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The Club Colombia beer brand was looking to stand out in a competitive market and increase sales through creative strategies. The goal was to transform the customer experience, turning the wait time into an opportunity for enjoyment and benefit. They wanted to improve brand perception, increase customer engagement, and drive positive behavior change. The aim was to achieve a continuous brand presence, demonstrating the ability to authentically connect with the target audience. The objective was to meet sales and engagement goals, showcasing the capacity to innovate and differentiate in the market. This disruptive initiative sought to prove that creativity and collaboration could generate a significant impact on brand perception and customer behavior.


The innovative idea of Club Colombia and Banco de Bogotá transformed waiting time in phone lines into a positive experience by offering beer discounts through audio messages. This creative strategy never before seen leveraged a tedious moment to surprise customers, generating value and connection. The alliance with a traditionally criticized sector, such as banks in Latin America, added an innovative element by associating a beer brand with a banking service. This initiative demonstrated the ability to adapt to market needs in a unique and effective way, highlighting creativity and audacity in seeking new ways to interact with consumers. Moreover, this innovative idea could be replicated in other sectors like telecommunications, expanding its potential impact and reach.


The initiative to offer beer discounts through recorded audio messages on the Banco de Bogota's customer service lines was based on data that identified the bank's users as having an affinity for beer, considering that those who call a bank are adults and that a banking product is not accessible to minors. The target audience, mostly young adults, reflects the consumer demographics that Banco de Bogotá caters to, known for its fresh and creative approach. The relevance of this platform lies in its ability to connect with this audience in an innovative way, transforming the waiting experience into a positive one and generating a significant impact on brand perception. The focus is on leveraging a everyday moment to surprise and build loyalty with clients, highlighting the bank's creativity and adaptability in its communication strategy.


The implementation of the strategy to offer beer discounts through audio messages voiced by Banco de Bogotá's institutional voice was successfully carried out in early April. This initiative, supported by the brand's innovative stance, allowed a beer brand to enter a traditionally serious financial setting. The launch date marked the beginning of a unique experience for users, turning waiting time into an enjoyable opportunity. Key phases included user segmentation, creation and recording of the audio messages, integration of the redemption platform, and continuous monitoring of results for adjustments. The scalability of this idea involves its expansion into other sectors, such as telecommunications, leveraging creativity and adaptability to reach a broader and more diverse audience.


The strategy of offering beer discounts through voiced audios on Banco de Bogotá's phone lines resulted in a significant increase in sales, with over 85% Club Colombia beer discounts redeemed. This success was reflected in a high level of engagement, evidenced by the registration of 90,000 new users on the discount redemption app. The reach of the initiative was substantial, with a continuous presence of the brand 24/7 and 1.2 million calls intervened. These results demonstrated a clear achievement against the established commercial objectives, highlighting the effectiveness of the strategy in connecting with customers, boosting sales, and strengthening the brand perception in the market.

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