Cannes Lions


ARTPLAN, Rio De Janeiro / ROCK IN RIO / 2013

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Case Film






The Rock in Rio Music Festival needed to communicate that the ticket sales for the seven days of the event would start on April 4th. On that day, 400 thousand tickets would be offered to the public. The objective of the festivals´ organizers was to sell all in 5 days. The strategy to solve this challenge was to concentrate all the divulgation within the 24 hours that would precede the start of sales . How? Using the biggest symbol of a “reminder”. The good and old post it. But we needed to use it in a really innovative way. From there came the idea: spread not only one but 2 million post its all over the town. Without counting on big media resources, we were able to spread all over the town the sensation of urgency to buy the tickets. And the result was fantastic. In only 4 hours all the 400 thousand tickets put up to sale sold out. We became worldwide trending topic on Twitter, our posts on Facebook had more than 22 million impressions and thousands of pictures of the post it were posted by the public on Instagram. The communications strategy became highly well succeeded and made the Rock in Rio be the main issue in the media and the streets for a whole day, mobilizing the whole city.


A real 'war operation' was set up. Our activation teams spread 2 million post its in strategic locations with high circulation of people, mainly youngsters. The city of Rio de Janeiro was literally covered by Rock in Rio post its. From traditional media such as TV, newspapers, magazines, outdoors and internet to stores, colleges, banks, airports and buses. Everyone who would walk through the city in a given moment would come face to face with a post from the event.


The sales, only on line, started on April 4th at 10 am. In the first hour only, more than a million people already had accessed the official site. All 400,000 tickets put up for sale sold out in only 4 hours. The campaign impacted more than 7 million people in the web and achieved excellent repercussion on TV. We were worldwide trending topics on Twitter and our posts on Facebook got more than 22 million impressions. All this, 5 months before the start of the first show.

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1 Cannes Lions Award




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