Cannes Lions


JWT, Mumbai / ROLLING STONE / 2011

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Besides outstanding journalism, Rolling Stone magazine, since its launch in 1967, have alwaysstood out for its trail blazing covers. They have consistently stood out for innovative visualtreatment and pioneering design. In many respects Rolling Stone covers have over the last fourdecades changed the way readers look at print magazines.In keeping with this spirit, the 3rd Anniversary issue of Rolling Stone India, was due in March.This issue was primarily devoted to a project called Rolling Stone Cover as Art . They gave a free hand to interpret my version of the Rolling Stone cover.


This design merely attempts to capture the essence of this celebration of music.It's a veritable explosion of people and things in a state of absolute exhilaration.

People and thingys dancing and rejoicing. Joined in equal measure even by stars and hearts.In the middle of all of this is a 'heart burst' of Indian motifs; very much a part of the celebrations.The words "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROLLING STONE" are engraved as a part of this collage of celebration.

The design had to be my style and my rendition and I kept it simple!


It is the 3rd anniversary of Rolling Stone and it was a riot out there.The magazine was disappearing from the stands fast and how!The issue was widely appreciated by music lovers, subscribers and some prominent musicians.Emails and phone calls flooded the Rolling Stone team. Some newstands had run out of copies and had to request for more issues.

Overall it was a great hit and a success.

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