Cannes Lions

Romeo & Juliet in a different light

IRIS WORLDWIDE, Singapore / PHILIPS / 2017

Presentation Image
Case Film






Like all performances, theatrical plays rely on lighting to set the mood on stage and evoke the right emotions in the audience. By reversing the process, we have developed a play where Philips Hue lights would dictate the mood, acting, and ultimately the story itself. We integrated the product into the stage set design and collaborated with professional improv actors who would take directions from Philips Hue throughout the play. Audiences were then invited to wirelessly control the onstage light changes via the Hue app.


At the introduction of the play, we surprised audiences with the fact that they could control the stage lighting, which were Philips Hue lights. Given the Philips Hue app at timed intervals, members of the audience could choose a Hue mood, which changed the set lighting in real-time, causing the improv actors to act accordingly. The stunt was performed several times with audiences over the course of 2 days. The experience was documented and featured online. To deliver the same engaging experience online, alternate endings of the play were also presented – where viewers were prompted at the end of the video to choose a Hue mood, determining the finale and the very fate of Romeo & Juliet.


• 60% increase in sales. 22% uplift in sales as compared to the next best HUE campaign.

• 72% out of all views completed the whole video.

• 57% of those who have watched on FB clicked to the landing page.

• Exceed click-through benchmarks by 413%.

• 450% increase in unique visitors to the website with campaign contributing to 90% of the total website traffic.

• Consumers spend 200% more time on our website.

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