Cannes Lions

Rooftop Rink

RETHINK, Toronto / MOLSON / 2016

Presentation Image
Case Film
Case Film






To show that we’re just as crazy about hockey as our fans, we built a hockey rink in the craziest place we could think of—32 floors up on a skyscraper rooftop in Canada’s biggest city. And we utilized Facebook and Instagram to challenge our online community of hockey-obsessed fans to demonstrate their own passion for the game and earn their way up to play on the rink.


To qualify for the Rooftop Rink contest, fans had to submit their story of hockey obsession, using the hashtag “#AnythingForHockey on social. Thousands of entries led to five winners being selected to play against a handful of NHL legends for an unforgettable night game on the roof, which was filmed for both :30 TV and long format online video. Following the film shoot, their was so much demand to play on the roof, we kept it up a month longer than anticipated, allowing more than 2,200 fans to make their way up.


Before the rink was even finished being built, people in surrounding buildings began to post pictures on social media, making Rooftop Rink a trending story. Over 75 media outlets, spanning from general lifestyle to sports, to engineering and architecture, covered the “mysterious rink in Toronto” garnering 52 million earned media impressions on the first day alone. The current total is 169 million and counting.

The campaign generated a total of 17,000 #AnythingForHockey mentions, representing contest entries, influencer content and on-rink experiences. And there were more than 30,000 inquiries to get rink access in twelve days.

By the time the Rooftop Rink stunt was finished, it had pushed Molson Canadian past closest rival Budweiser as the #1 hockey beer in Canada, despite being outspent by the US brand. In a Neilsen Brand Lift Study, Molson’s attribute rating in terms of relating to hockey fans saw a significant +3% lift.

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