Cannes Lions



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JOHNSON’S® Baby is an iconic brand whose rich history poses a challenge: how does the brand remain relevant for a new generation of moms? The birth of the royal baby in 2013 was the perfect opportunity to drive relevance within the context of a global pop-culture event and to remind moms around the world that we celebrate the birth of every baby – even royal ones!

We partnered with the leading celebrity news source, People magazine, to integrate the brand into their royal issue, along with digital placements surrounding the news as it broke. Along with integration on our Facebook page, we encouraged consumer participation as the joyous news of the birth was announced, creating a truly ownable and authentic response.

The Royal Baby Program was integrated in print and online content in three phases: pre birth buzz, which included online banners and interstitials; the birth announcement online and in People’s Special Collector’s Issue, which showcased the “Bubble Crown” creative premiere; and continued coverage, with “Holding Hands” creative in the August 5th and 12th editions. We also created a comprehensive posting strategy for online creative, knowing that the news would break fast and go viral instantly.

More than ten countries used this creative, driving a truly global response to a global event – a first ever for JOHNSON’S® Baby.


In the U.S., we partnered with the leading celebrity news source, People magazine, to integrate the brand into their royal issue. We also secured digital placements surrounding the news as it broke. Along with brand integration on our Facebook page, we encouraged consumer participation as the joyous news of the birth was announced, creating a truly ownable and authentic response.

Excitement for this initiative was contagious, and print, digital and social assets were adapted across four regions, in nine other markets – driving a truly global response to a global event, by one of the most iconic global brands.


Across the nine participating markets, the Royal Baby Program exceeded expectations.

The strategically timed Facebook wall posts and cover-photo updates around the world generated a strong dialogue among consumers; going beyond the birth of the new heir and celebrating birth and babies all over the world.

The global social engagement was fantastic, and within 48 hours the U.S. Facebook campaign alone had over 51,000 social engagements. For its relevant messaging, appropriate tone, quick response and subtle branding, JOHNSON’S® Baby received 89 million earned impressions, valued at $1.3 million in free publicity.

Newsstand sales went + 21% within five days of the birth and + 42% for online ad impressions. Even more impressive is the above-average 6.4% Facebook engagement rate, and 85 million total earned impressions. JOHNSON’S® received honors as one of the top-three brand responses on, and was picked up by USA Today and the New York Times.

Royally rewarding news for JOHNSON’S® Baby and moms everywhere.

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