Cannes Lions


ESCALA, Porto Alegre / RIO SUL / 2009

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Hordes of youngsters go to the movies in Rio Grande do Sul. We selected the most appealing titles to this audience and were the state pioneers in using the scent technology in movie theaters. During the ads before the film started, we released a pleasant scent in the screening room. A simple commercial, no sound, featuring only a text asking moviegoers whether they smelled something nice. And then telling them: if this smell were the rubella virus you and everyone else in the room would have been infected, once the virus is transmitted through the air.


The movie theater action generated a buzz not only among young people but was also featured in news in the press, blogs and twitters. The message conveyed by the action, along with the other pieces of the campaign, exceeded even the most optimistic expectations. In all, over three million people were vaccinated across the state, covering a total of 95% of the campaign’s target audience.

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