Cannes Lions


SPN OGILVY, St Petersburg / ER-TELECOM / 2013

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How does a telecom provider unite, educate and engage a geographically scattered community of local journalists not too savvy in telecommunications and biased towards the company? ER-Telecom, a Russian interregional telecom operator, faced this challenge fighting competitors’ information attacks on media arenas of 56 regions.

The company designed a pin-point media relations format unique for the Russian market. It united 250 journalists from 56 cities in an exclusive club of select "pen sharks" – a "honey hole" of first-hand industry expertise and useful contacts. The purpose was to develop informal conversation, provide high-quality information and encourage an honest opinion exchange without imposing the company’s POV or pressing for coverage.

A closed Facebook group as a key communication platform was complemented by regular offline meetings combining education with teambuilding and fun. Online and offline tools worked seamlessly together building a highly involved and loyal journalist pool and establishing mutually beneficial and trust-based relations between the media and the company.

By the end of 2012, volume of telecom industry coverage grew by one-fifth in member media and by 50% in blogs, without special efforts from our end (reach of member media outlets – nearly 7,800,000 people; member blogs – over 24,700).

Volume of ER-Telecom coverage grew 226% in the media and 316% in blogs nationwide (2012 vs 2011), share of positive coverage increasing two-fold in the media and three-fold in blogs.

The Facebook group achieved 2754 posts, 7593 comments and 7454 likes, with Engagement Index 48% and Active fan Ratio 3.5 times higher than average.


*Creating a closed Facebook group uniting select telecom journalists and bloggers from target regions (September 2011). Gently engaging the members in conversation to build trust and prepare the ground for live meetings.

*Quarterly regional conferences (5 events till December 2012). Each event is held in one of the cities of ER-Telecom presence and attended by 25-60 journalists. Others can join via a video conference connecting 6 other cities to the host one. The 3-day program combines workshops by renowned experts with entertainment activities: sight-seeing tours, visiting local ER-Telecom facilities, teambuilding etc. Event coordination and activation via Facebook.

*Developing club’s identity and traditions to strengthen bonds between members and make them feel themselves an exclusive community.

*Ongoing Facebook communication: alternating playful engagement (polls, contests etc.) with valuable industry information. Guest experts create exclusive content on telecom trends specifically for club members. All ER-Telecom news are shared in the group before publication.


*By the end of 2012, the Rybnoe Mesto club united 250 journalists and bloggers from 56 Russian cities. Each member is an opinion leader shaping a local news agenda. Reach of member media outlets – nearly 7,800,000 people; reach of member blogs – over 24,700.

*Facebook group shows impressive activity: 2754 posts, 7593 comments and 7454 likes by end of 2012, Engagement Index reaching 48, and Active Fan Ratio equaling 35 (3.5 times over Facebook average!)

*Volume of ER-Telecom coverage increased 225% in the media and 316% in blogs nationwide (2012 vs 2011).

*Share of negative coverage dropped two-fold in the media and from 31% to 24% in blogs; share of positive coverage increased two-fold in the media and three-fold in blogs nationwide.

*Volume of telecom industry coverage in member media outlets has grown by almost one-fifth (18%) and by 50% in member blogs - an increase of journalists’ interest in the topic.

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